javafx - Select first/last clears anchor information - MultipleSelectionModel -

i have table table.getselectionmodel().setselectionmode(selectionmode.multiple);. need implement go last/first row of tableview. used table.scrollto(ind); table.getselectionmodel().clearandselect(ind). scroll first row , select it. if try select numerous rows (using mouse right button + shift) doesn't select range of rows between first row , 1 pressed set anchor @ selected row.

what i've observed far:

  1. from pseudoclass css information. first row selected,focused - exprected.
  2. table.getselectionmodel().selectedindexproperty() table.getselectionmodel().getselectedindices() shows 0 , [0] respective - expected
  3. row not selected - table no longer focused got grey not blue row. if call table.requestfocus() @ time , use platformutil.runlater() doesn't change anything. assume has nothing table focus.

any ideas howto (from code) select first row , make such situation after pressing mouse button on other row shift got multiple selection?

sample application. see createselectioncontrol() -> button("|<")

import javafx.application.application; import javafx.beans.binding.stringbinding; import javafx.beans.value.observablevalue; import javafx.collections.fxcollections; import javafx.collections.listchangelistener; import javafx.collections.observablelist; import javafx.event.actionevent; import javafx.event.eventhandler; import javafx.geometry.insets; import javafx.scene.node; import javafx.scene.scene; import javafx.scene.control.button; import javafx.scene.control.label; import javafx.scene.control.selectionmode; import javafx.scene.control.tablecolumn; import javafx.scene.control.tablecolumn.celleditevent; import javafx.scene.control.tableposition; import javafx.scene.control.tableview; import javafx.scene.control.textfield; import javafx.scene.control.cell.propertyvaluefactory; import javafx.scene.control.cell.textfieldtablecell; import javafx.scene.layout.borderpane; import javafx.scene.layout.gridpane; import javafx.scene.layout.hbox; import javafx.scene.layout.vbox; import javafx.scene.text.font; import javafx.stage.stage;  /**  * table standard cell editor  */ public class selectiontableapp extends application {     private static string id_desc_label = "desclabel";     private tableview<person> table;     private static final person person_staszek = new person("stanislaw",             "czerkawski", "");     private final observablelist<person> data = fxcollections             .observablearraylist(                     new person("jacob", "smith", ""),                     new person("isabella", "johnson",                             ""),                     new person("ethan", "williams",                             ""),                     new person("emma", "jones", ""),                     new person("michael", "brown", ""),                     person_staszek);     private tablecolumn firstnamecol;     private tablecolumn lastnamecol;     private tablecolumn emailcol;      public static void main(string[] args) {         launch(args);     }      @override     public void start(stage stage) {         adddata();         borderpane root = new borderpane();         scene scene = new scene(root);         scene.getstylesheets().add("ks/javafx/table/def/1.css");         stage.settitle("table view sample");         stage.setwidth(450);         stage.setheight(550);          final label label = new label("address book");         label.setfont(new font("arial", 20));         createtable();         configuretable(table);          final vbox vbox = new vbox();         vbox.setspacing(5);         vbox.setpadding(new insets(10, 0, 0, 10));         vbox.getchildren().addall(createaddpersoncontrol(),                 createinfocontrol(), createselectioncontrol());          root.settop(label);         root.setcenter(table);         root.setbottom(vbox);          stage.setscene(scene);;          scene.focusownerproperty().addlistener((obs, o, n) -> {             system.out.println("selectiontableapp.start()=" + n);         });     }      private void adddata() {         (int = 0; < 100; i++) {             data.add(new person("first-" + i, "name-" + i, "mail-" + i));         }     }      private void configuretable(tableview<person> table) {         table.seteditable(false);         table.getselectionmodel().setselectionmode(selectionmode.multiple);     }      private void createtable() {         table = new tableview<person>();          firstnamecol = new tablecolumn("first name");         firstnamecol.setminwidth(100);         firstnamecol                 .setcellvaluefactory(new propertyvaluefactory<person, string>(                         "firstname"));         firstnamecol.setcellfactory(textfieldtablecell.fortablecolumn());         firstnamecol                 .setoneditcommit(new eventhandler<celleditevent<person, string>>() {                     @override                     public void handle(celleditevent<person, string> t) {                         system.out.println("oneditcommit");                         t.gettableview().getitems()                                 .get(t.gettableposition().getrow())                                 .setfirstname(t.getnewvalue());                     }                 });          lastnamecol = new tablecolumn("last name");         lastnamecol.setminwidth(100);         lastnamecol                 .setcellvaluefactory(new propertyvaluefactory<person, string>(                         "lastname"));         lastnamecol.setcellfactory(textfieldtablecell.fortablecolumn());         lastnamecol                 .setoneditcommit(new eventhandler<celleditevent<person, string>>() {                     @override                     public void handle(celleditevent<person, string> t) {                         system.out.println("oneditcommit");                         t.gettableview().getitems()                                 .get(t.gettableposition().getrow())                                 .setlastname(t.getnewvalue());                     }                 });          emailcol = new tablecolumn("email");         emailcol.setminwidth(200);         emailcol.setcellvaluefactory(new propertyvaluefactory<person, string>(                 "email"));         emailcol.setcellfactory(textfieldtablecell.fortablecolumn());         emailcol.setoneditcommit(new eventhandler<celleditevent<person, string>>() {             @override             public void handle(celleditevent<person, string> t) {                 system.out.println("oneditcommit");                 t.gettableview().getitems().get(t.gettableposition().getrow())                         .setemail(t.getnewvalue());             }         });          table.setitems(data);         table.getcolumns().addall(firstnamecol, lastnamecol, emailcol);     }      private node createaddpersoncontrol() {         final textfield addfirstname = new textfield();         addfirstname.setprompttext("first name");         addfirstname.setmaxwidth(firstnamecol.getprefwidth());         final textfield addlastname = new textfield();         addlastname.setmaxwidth(lastnamecol.getprefwidth());         addlastname.setprompttext("last name");         final textfield addemail = new textfield();         addemail.setmaxwidth(emailcol.getprefwidth());         addemail.setprompttext("email");          final button addbutton = new button("add");         addbutton.setonaction(new eventhandler<actionevent>() {             @override             public void handle(actionevent e) {                 data.add(new person(addfirstname.gettext(), addlastname                         .gettext(), addemail.gettext()));                 addfirstname.clear();                 addlastname.clear();                 addemail.clear();             }         });         final hbox hb = new hbox();         hb.getchildren().addall(addfirstname, addlastname, addemail, addbutton);         hb.setspacing(3);         return hb;     }      private node createselectioncontrol() {         button gofist = new button("|<");         gofist.setonaction(e -> {             int ind = 0;             table.scrollto(ind);             table.getselectionmodel().clearandselect(ind);              // bounds local = table.getboundsinlocal();             // bounds scenebounds = table.localtoscene(local);             // bounds screenbounds = table.localtoscreen(local);             // system.out.println("selectiontableapp.createselectioncontrol()="             // +             // local);             // system.out.println("selectiontableapp.createselectioncontrol()="             // +             // scenebounds);             // system.out.println("selectiontableapp.createselectioncontrol()="             // +             // screenbounds);             //             // double scenex = scenebounds.getminx() + 10;             // double sceney = scenebounds.getminy() + 10;             // double screenx = screenbounds.getminx() + 10;             // double screeny = screenbounds.getminx() + 10;             //             // scenex = 21;             // sceney = 59;             // screenx = 760;             // screeny = 287;             //             // mouseevent me = new mouseevent(mouseevent.mouse_pressed, scenex,             // sceney, screenx, screeny,             // mousebutton.primary, 1, false, false, false, false, true, false,             // false, true, false, false,             // null);             // mouseevent.fireevent(table, me);             // me = new mouseevent(mouseevent.mouse_released, scenex, sceney,             // screenx, screeny,             // mousebutton.primary, 1, false, false, false, false, true, false,             // false, true, false, false,             // null);             // mouseevent.fireevent(table, me);             // me = new mouseevent(mouseevent.mouse_clicked, scenex, sceney,             // screenx, screeny, mousebutton.primary,             // 1, false, false, false, false, true, false, false, true, false,             // false, null);             // mouseevent.fireevent(table, me);             // event.fireevent(your node, new             // mouseevent(mouseevent.mouse_clicked,             // 0, 0, 0, 0, mousebutton.primary, 1, true, true, true, true, true,             // true, true, true, true, true, null));             // table.fireevent(event);         });         button golast = new button(">|");         golast.setonaction(e -> {             int ind = table.getitems().size() - 1;             table.getselectionmodel().clearandselect(ind);             table.scrollto(ind);         });         hbox hbox = new hbox(gofist, golast);         return hbox;     }      private node createinfocontrol() {         gridpane grid = new gridpane();         grid.sethgap(10);         grid.setvgap(5);          stringbinding binding = new stringbinding() {             {                 bind(table.editingcellproperty());             }              @override             protected string computevalue() {                 tableposition<person, ?> pos = table.geteditingcell();                 string ret = (pos != null) ? (pos.getrow() + "." + pos                         .getcolumn()) : "";                 return ret;             }         };         addlabelandval("editingcell:", binding, grid, 0, 0);          addlabelandval("table.focused:", table.focusedproperty().asstring(),                 grid, 0, 2);         addlabelandval("selm.selected:", table.getselectionmodel()                 .selectedindexproperty().asstring(), grid, 1, 0);         addlabelandval("needslayout:", table.needslayoutproperty().asstring(),                 grid, 1, 2);          addlabelandval("selected", table.getselectionmodel()                 .getselectedindices(), grid, 2, 0);         return grid;     }      private void addlabelandval(string labeltxt, observablevalue<string> val,             gridpane grid, int rowind, int colind) {         label lab = new label(labeltxt);         lab.setid(id_desc_label);         label vallab = new label();         vallab.textproperty().bind(val);         grid.add(lab, colind, rowind);         grid.add(vallab, colind + 1, rowind);     }      private void addlabelandval(string labeltxt,             final observablelist<integer> val, gridpane grid, int rowind,             int colind) {         label lab = new label(labeltxt);         lab.setid(id_desc_label);         label vallab = new label();          val.addlistener(new listchangelistener<integer>() {             @override             public void onchanged(                     javafx.collections.listchangelistener.change<? extends integer> c) {                 vallab.settext(val.tostring());             }         });          vallab.settext(val.tostring());         grid.add(lab, colind, rowind);         grid.add(vallab, colind + 1, rowind);     }  } 

and model:

import;  public class person {      private final simplestringproperty firstname;     private final simplestringproperty lastname;     private final simplestringproperty email;      public person(string fname, string lname, string email) {         this.firstname = new simplestringproperty(fname);         this.lastname = new simplestringproperty(lname); = new simplestringproperty(email);     }      public string getfirstname() {         return firstname.get();     }      public void setfirstname(string fname) {         firstname.set(fname);     }      public string getlastname() {         return lastname.get();     }      public void setlastname(string fname) {         lastname.set(fname);     }      public string getemail() {         return email.get();     }      public void setemail(string fname) {         email.set(fname);     } } 


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