C# Windows Form - How do I assign a double value to a combo box string to then be displayed in a text box? -

i've been having trouble of finding solution coding problem of assigning double value combo box item double value displayed , added text box.

for instance, beverages combo box contains: soda, tea, coffee, milk, juice, etc. "soda" give value of $1.95 displayed in "subtotal:" text box. every time item selected in combo box, soda, juice, , coffee, every time item selected add previous subtotal value in text box.

sorry if isn't clear great, i've blanked out , been trying come solution while , been struggling. thank you!

this perfect use of custom type. in case create drink class description property , price property. override .tostring() method display description.

class drink {     public string description { get; set; }     public decimal price { get; set; }      public override string tostring()     {         return description;     } } 

from instantiate new drink, populate description , price , add object combobox. combobox display "soda" object holds 1.95 in price property.

private void form1_load(object sender, eventargs e) {      //for demonstration purposes, we're creating 3 drink     //objects , adding them combobox.     //you loop through data source of sort     //and populate combobox newly intantiated objects.     drink item;      item = new drink();     item.description = "soda";     item.price = 1.80m;     combobox1.items.add(item);      item = new drink();     item.description = "coffee";     item.price = .95m;     combobox1.items.add(item);      item = new drink();     item.description = "tea";     item.price = .65m;     combobox1.items.add(item);  } 

since combobox holding object, need cast selecteditem drink have access price selection.

private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e) {     decimal itemprice;     //if textbox empty or cannot parsed decimal     //then cast combobox1.selecteditem drink type     //place value textbox. if, however, can     //parsed decimal grab value , add     //price of our newly selected combobox item price     //that in textbox.     if(decimal.tryparse(textbox1.text, out itemprice))     {         textbox1.text = (itemprice + ((drink)(combobox1.selecteditem)).price).tostring();     }     else     {         textbox1.text = (((drink)(combobox1.selecteditem)).price).tostring();     } } 


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