Creating a testing infrastructure with Pytest , Selenium Grid and Docker -

based on article, created scalable selenium grid . want run test suites [written in python] using pytest grid.

i new docker , trying find best way migrate testing procedures microservices architecture. want give ability devs setup full testing infrastructure locally on pcs.

so, have 4 dockerfiles , 1 docker-compose.yml .

the base dockerfile:

from ubuntu  env sel_version 2.44.0  # update repos java run apt-get update -qqy \ && apt-get -qqy --no-install-recommends install \ software-properties-common \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* run add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/java  run echo debconf shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true | debconf-set-selections run echo debconf shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 seen true | debconf-set-selections  # install java7 run apt-get update -qqy \ && apt-get -qqy --no-install-recommends install \ oracle-java7-installer \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*  # download selenium server run wget${sel_version%.*}/selenium-server-standalone-${sel_version}.jar 

the hub dockerfile :

from org/grid:base  expose 4444  # add , set permissions script launch hub add /var/ run chmod 755 /var/  # start shell , run script #workdir / cmd ["/bin/bash", "/var/"] 

the node dockerfile :

from org/grid:base  # set ff version use env firefox_minor 34.0.5  # update , install what's needed run apt-get update -qqy \ && apt-get -qqy --no-install-recommends install \ firefox \ xvfb \ bzip2 \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*  # setup ff run [ -e /usr/bin/firefox ] && rm /usr/bin/firefox add${firefox_minor}/linux-x86_64/en-us/firefox-${firefox_minor}.tar.bz2 /tmp/ run apt-get install -q -y libdbus-glib-1-2 run tar -xvjf /tmp/firefox-${firefox_minor}.tar.bz2 -c /opt/ run chmod -r +x /opt/firefox/ run ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox  # add , set permissions bash script register node add /var/ run chmod 755 /var/  # start shell , run script cmd ["/bin/bash", "/var/"] 

and pytest dockerfile :

# starting base image ubuntu  # set github personal token [to clone qa code] #todo------secret------ env gh_token some_token_some_token_some_token_  # install python & pip run apt-get update run apt-get upgrade -y run apt-get install -y python python-pip python-dev && pip install --upgrade pip  # install git run apt-get update -y && apt-get install git -y  # [in / folder] create folder , add whole project repo container run git clone https://$ /org_qa_folder  # install dependencies via pip workdir /org_qa_folder run pip install -r dependencies.txt  # cmd /bin/bash 

and docker-compose file :

hub:   image: org/grid:hub # image must exist   ports:     - "4444:4444" # host:container   external_links: # link container created outside of yaml file     - pytest   volumes_from:     - pytest # must created first  firefox:   image: org/grid:nodeff # image must exist   links:     - hub   expose:     - "5555" # grid console open public 

so...i cannot understand how should run "py.test /org_qa_folder/" , run on grid [essentially node].

i first run pytest container docker run -dit -v /org_qa_folder --name pytest schoox/grid:py , other services docker-compose -d .

i tried multiple approaches:

  1. not use pytest container clone code in hub. in case , hub container runs hub of grid [one cmd per container directive] . [edit: chose microservices architecture docker suggests]

  2. i leave hub , node containers run specified services, , create separate container [pytest] send tests there. test wont run cause container not have xvfb.[edit: installed xvfb , worked]

  3. i tried use pytest container volume hub remains problem of running tests hub container has service running.[edit: dev purposes mount code pytest container , use console test stuff on other containers. after use pytest container have code separate]

should install packages ,that node container has, in other containers? ideally want use pytest container console [to develop infrastructure @ least] run tests sent hub , run many nodes.[edit: didn't mingled hub , node, installed xvfb on pytest container]

how suggest that? missing ?

edit [steps towards solution]:

i first start pytest container [docker run -dit -v /org/org_qa_folder --name pytest org/grid:py] , run docker-compose -d launch grid

in compose file use external_links , volumes_from dev purposes. wont work inside container when setup finished.

i changed pytest dockerfile , added this:

# install xvfb [that needed!!!!!] run apt-get install -y xvfb 

i run 1 of tests ,from inside pytest container, running grid[on ec2 instance] proof of concept , worked fine. remains send dockerized grid.

i think you're there.

i add pytest service docker-compose.yml, , remove volumes_from , external_links hub image (so looks more example blog post linked).

the pytest service run python code, should connect hub run selenium. believe somewhere in org_qa_folder there configuration tries start selenium locally. needs reconfigured use hub server instead.


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