java - Cache file in memory and read in parallel -

i've program (simple log parser) that's slow couse in cases had full scan input file. think pre-cache entire file (~100mb) in , read multiple thread.

with actual configuration use bufferedreader "main read" , randomaccessfile goto onto specific offset , read need.

i've tried way:

.. reader reader = null; if (cache) {     // caching file in memory     br = new bufferedreader(new filereader(file));     buffer = new stringbuilder();     (string line = br.readline(); line != null; line = br.readline()) {         buffer.append(line).append(cr);     }     br.close();     reader = new stringreader(buffer.tostring()); } else {     reader = new filereader(file); } br = new bufferedreader(reader); (string line = br.readline(); line != null; line = br.readline()) {     offset += line.length() + 1; // il +1 รจ per il line.separator     matcher = constants.pt_begin_composition.matcher(line);     if (matcher.matches()) {         linecount++;         record = new record();         record.setcompositioncode(;         matcher = constants.pt_prefix.matcher(line);         if (matcher.matches()) {             record.setbegincomposition(constants.sdf_date.parse(;             record.setprocessid(;             if (cache) {                 executor.submit(new pubblicationparser(buffer, offset, record));             } else {                 executor.submit(new pubblicationparser(file, offset, record));             }             records.add(record);         } else {             br.close();             throw new parseexception(line, 0);         }     } } 

in pubblicationparser there init() method choose custom reader use. randomaccessfilereader:

if (file != null) {     this.logreader = new randomaccessfilereader(file, offset); } else if (sb != null) {     this.logreader = new stringbuilderreader(sb, (int) offset); } 

and 2 custom reader:

// public class stringbuilderreader implements logreader {     public static final string cr = system.getproperty("line.separator");     private final stringbuilder sb;     private int offset;      public stringbuilderreader(stringbuilder sb, int offset) {         super(); = sb;         this.offset = offset;     }      @override     public string readline() throws ioexception {         if (offset >= sb.length()) {             return null;         }         int indexof = sb.indexof(cr, offset);         if (indexof < 0) {             indexof = sb.length();         }         string substring = sb.substring(offset, indexof);         offset = indexof + cr.length();         return substring;     }      @override     public void close() throws ioexception {         // todo auto-generated method stub     } } // public class randomaccessfilereader implements logreader {     private static final string filemode_r = "r";     private final randomaccessfile raf;      public randomaccessfilereader(file file, long offset) throws ioexception {         this.raf = new randomaccessfile(file, filemode_r);;     }      @override     public void close() throws ioexception {         raf.close();     }      @override     public string readline() throws ioexception {         return raf.readline();     } } 

the problem "cache way" slow , understand why!

you should making sure indeed i/o making application slow, not else (e.g inefficient logic in parser). that, use java profiler (jprofiler, example).

if indeed i/o, might better use ready-made solution load file memory - that's trying implement yourself.

have @ mappedbytebuffer , bytebuffer.


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