Android - Facebook Event track Purchase -

i'm working on implementing facebook tracking of purchase event in android. followed guide here, , made custom bundle send fb.

the problem is, on facebook page of events, don't see value column updated purchase event.

this code:

        bundle parameters = new bundle();         parameters.putstring(appeventsconstants.event_param_currency, mcurrency);         parameters.putstring(appeventsconstants.event_param_content_type, mproducttype);         parameters.putstring(appeventsconstants.event_param_content_id, mpurchaseid);         double valuetosum = 12.042289; //this how price looks          appeventslogger logger = appeventslogger.newlogger(this);         logger.logevent(appeventsconstants.event_name_purchased, valuetosum, parameters); 

my problem that, valuetosum does not sum in facebook events page. it's shown "-".

any ideas doing wrong?

much appreciated.

it takes while data update on dashboard. try checking next day or ...


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