ios - NSDataBase64DecodingOptions always returns nil -

there lot of similar questions non of them helped me out don't know ask. how encode uiimage:

       let data: nsdata = uiimagepngrepresentation(imageresized)!        let base64string: nsstring = data.base64encodedstringwithoptions(.encoding64characterlinelength) 

and decoding (as suggested here):

if let range = base64.rangeofstring("data:image/png;base64,", options: .anchoredsearch)  {                 base64.removerange(range)             }             let decodeddata = nsdata(base64encodedstring: base64, options: nsdatabase64decodingoptions(rawvalue: 0))             if let decodedimage = uiimage(data: decodeddata!) {                 self.imagelist.append(decodedimage)             } 

but app crashes when initializing decodeddata , can't figure out why. checked base64 string here , returns picture. appreciated!

try this:

   if let decodeddata = nsdata(base64encodedstring: base64, options:nsdatabase64decodingoptions.ignoreunknowncharacters){         if(decodeddata.length > 0){             let imagedecodedata =  uiimage(data: decodeddata)!         }         else{             print("error")         }     } 


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