.htaccess - Java app loads single url only after deployed -

i have tested java app in local developed using jsp , servlets.

i have domain , copy war in domain. able access app http://mdomain.com:8080/myapp without issues.

now, want make app available while hitting http://mdomain.com. so, configured .htaccess file domain follows,

    rewriteengine on     rewritecond %{http_host} ^mydomain.com       rewriterule ^(.*)$ http://mdomain.com:8080/myapp/ [p] 

now, able see home page when hittng http://mdomain.com.

while hitting submit button, page loading home page , no respective pages displayed.

i using apache tomcat7. put war in webapps.

what missing here?

may copy myapp folder public_html folder.

if mod_proxy enabled can use:

rewriteengine on  rewritecond %{http_host} ^mydomain\.com$ [nc]   rewriterule ^(.*)$ http://mdomain.com:8080/myapp/$1 [p] 

note use of $1 back-reference of captured value in rewriterule


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