microdata - Schema.org - Referencing single definition multiple times -

i have page containing multiple articles, want each 1 describe publisher organisation, i'd avoid redefining organisation every single article. possible?

the itemref attribute seems work in opposite direction, specifying parent > child relationship, not other way around.

in example i've taken organisation example schema.org hope illustrates problem - can't repeat markup every time, bloat page.

<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/organization">   <span itemprop="name">google.org (goog)</span>   contact details:     <div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/postaladdress">       main address:         <span itemprop="streetaddress">38 avenue de l'opera</span>         <span itemprop="postalcode">f-75002</span>         <span itemprop="addresslocality">paris, france</span>       ,     </div>       tel:<span itemprop="telephone">( 33 1) 42 68 53 00 </span>,       fax:<span itemprop="faxnumber">( 33 1) 42 68 53 01 </span>,       e-mail: <span itemprop="email">secretariat(at)google.org</span>   members:   - national scientific members in 100 countries , territories: country1, country2, ...   - scientific union members, 30 organizations listed in yearbook:   list of alumni:   <span itemprop="alumni" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/person">     <span itemprop="name">jack dan</span>   </span>,   <span itemprop="alumni" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/person">     <span itemprop="name">john smith</span>   </span> </div>  <div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/newsarticle">   <meta itemprop="url" content="{{canonical_url}}" />   <link itemprop="mainentityofpage" href="{{canonical_url}}">   <meta itemprop="genre" content="{{genre}}" />   <meta itemprop="publisher" temtype="http://schema.org/organization" content="{{???}}" />   <meta itemprop="datemodified" content="{{updated_at}}" />   <div class="item-content">     <div class="item-header" itemprop="name headline">       {{headline}}     </div>     <div class="item-body">        <p itemprop="articlebody">         {{content goes here}}       </p>      </div>      <div class="item-footer">       <span itemprop="datepublished datecreated">{{date}}</span> - <span itemprop="creator author copyrightholder">{{byline}}</span>     </div>   </div> </div> 

i'm using microdata if i'm attempting possible json consider switching.

if have organization item , several article items on same page, can use microdata’s itemref attribute provide organization item value publisher property:

<div itemprop="publisher" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/organization" id="publisher-1"> </div>  <article itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/article" itemref="publisher-1"> </article>  <article itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/article" itemref="publisher-1"> </article>  <article itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/article" itemref="publisher-1"> </article> 

if using this, have make sure div (for organization item) not child element of element itemscope (otherwise added item publisher in addition).


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