ios - Wait for multiple Alamofire request -

i'm trying add data data model test i'm printing info fetched via alamofire problem since data needs call api again becomes null when print it. here's code

code getting person's data

func printapi(){  swapihandler.requestswpapi("", completionhandler: {(response, error) in      let json = json(response!)     let jsonresult = json["results"]      (index,person):(string, json) in jsonresult{         let name = person["name"].stringvalue         let height = person["height"].intvalue         let mass = person["mass"].intvalue         let haircolor = person["hair_color"].stringvalue         let skincolor = person["skin_color"].stringvalue         let eyecolor = person["eye_color"].stringvalue         let birthyear = person["birth_year"].stringvalue         let gender = person["gender"].stringvalue         let homeworldurl = person["homeworld"].stringvalue         let homeworldnamekey = "name"         let homeworld = self.getswapispecificvalue(homeworldurl, strkey: homeworldnamekey)          print("name: \(name)")         print("height: \(height)")         print("mass: \(mass)")         print("hair color: \(haircolor)")         print("skin color: \(skincolor)")         print("eye color: \(eyecolor)")         print("birth year: \(birthyear)")         print("gender: \(gender)")         print("home world: \(homeworld)")         print("------------------------------")     } })  } 

code getting specific value

  func getswapispecificvalue(strurl: string, strkey: string) -> string{     var name = ""     swapihandler.requestswpapi(strurl, completionhandler: {(response,error) in         let json = json(response!)         print(json[strkey].stringvalue)         name = json[strkey].stringvalue     })      return name } 

if want know json model here is

json model

and running code here's output output

you should make api call in background , after it's finished populate data on main queue. change code specific value one:

func getswapispecificvalue(strurl: string, strkey: string) -> string{   var name = ""   dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(dispatch_queue_priority_background, 0)) { () -> void in swapihandler.requestswpapi(strurl, completionhandler: {(response,error) in     dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {       let json = json(response!)       print(json[strkey].stringvalue)       name = json[strkey].stringvalue       return name     }   })  } } 

in code above first make request server in background , if response in main queue populate variable name. it's better change api call function that:

func getdatafromserver(ulr: string, success: (([anyobject]) -> void)?, failure: (error: errortype) -> void){ } 

in way can handle errors , if success data.


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