How i can import script in R to powerBI? -

good morning need import script in r powerbi when execute code: library(rvest)

> library(httr) > sess <- html_session("", user_agent("mozilla/5.0 (macintosh; intel mac os x 10_11_3) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, gecko) chrome/49.0.2623.39 safari/537.36")) > pg <- jump_to(sess, "") > dat <- content(pg$response, as="parsed") > mydata= html_table(html_nodes(dat, "table")[[2]], header=true) 

i error message: détails : « : erreur du script r. le chargement nÚcessitÚ le package : xml2 erreur : '>' inattendu(e) in ">"


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