c# - SharpPcap Exception during Capture -

i've been trying build packet sniffer using sharppcap , packetdotnet. code far:

public static void sniffconnection() {     var packets = new list<rawcapture>();     var devices = capturedevicelist.instance;     pcapdevice device = null;      foreach (var dev in devices)     {         if (((libpcaplivedevice)dev).interface.friendlyname.equals("wi-fi 3"))         {             device = (libpcaplivedevice)dev;             break;         }     }      try     {         //open device capturing         device.open(devicemode.promiscuous);     }     catch (exception e)     {         console.writeline(e.message);         return;     }      //register our handler function 'packet arrival' event     device.onpacketarrival += (sender, packets_storage) => packetarrivalhandler(sender, ref packets);      console.writeline("sniffing...");     try     {         device.capture();     }     catch (system.accessviolationexception e)     {         console.writeline(e);     }     catch (exception e)     {         console.writeline(e);     }     device.close();     console.readline(); }  public static void packetarrivalhandler(object sender, ref list<rawcapture> packets) {     var dev = (winpcapdevice)sender;     rawcapture p = dev.getnextpacket();     if (p != null)     {         var raw_packet = packet.parsepacket(p.linklayertype, p.data);       // split packet layers check data in layers valid         var tcppacket = (tcppacket)raw_packet.extract(typeof(tcppacket));         var ippacket = (ippacket)raw_packet.extract(typeof(ippacket));         packets.add(p);     } } 

after few packets captured, capture function throws exception, memory. (access violation, out of memory, overflow) idea what's causing , how solve this? (when out of memory or overflow exceptions thrown, says it's in sharppcap.libpcap.pcapdevice.marshalrawpacket function, when access violation thrown, says it's happenning in dll thats not related code directly)


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