automated tests - jMeter Login issue with MVC and Anti Forgery -

i trying load test website using jmeter. getting issue login page. have passed __requestverificationtoken value in login page capturing via regex shown:

field check: body. reference name: token. regular expression: <input name="__requestverificationtoken" type="hidden" value="(.*)" />. template: $1$ 

i still getting same error response :

<title>the anti-forgery token not decrypted. if application hosted web farm or cluster, ensure machines running same version of web pages , &lt;machinekey&gt; configuration specifies explicit encryption , validation keys. autogenerate cannot used in cluster.</title> <b> exception details: </b>system.web.mvc.httpantiforgeryexception: anti-forgery token not decrypted. if application hosted web farm or cluster, ensure machines running same version of web pages , &lt;machinekey&gt; configuration specifies explicit encryption , validation keys. autogenerate cannot used in cluster.<br><br> 

more details request tab in view tree results:

post data: __requestverificationtoken=%24%7btoken%7d&usermodel.username=pm&usermodel.password=abc1234d  cookie data: asp.net_sessionid=l0cvy41ons0xv1t3e5glx2j5; __requestverificationtoken_l0nyzwlzc1dlyg2=elgni5_gow2dyfm-obexg9dhsihm26jv8hgt4iepjngwc1gfj4lrtboi3t-uv4l9485dm_9bdavfrzkautixazokvnt2q9r0yw19zqio17a1  request headers: connection: keep-alive referer: accept-language: en-us,en;q=0.5 content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded accept-encoding: gzip, deflate user-agent: mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; wow64; rv:43.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/43.0 accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 content-length: 91 host: 

http request:

__requestverificationtoken  ${token}    false   true usermodel.username  pm  false   true usermodel.password  abc1234d    false   true 

any highly appreciated. !!

your regular expression extractor not work expected. post data shows __requestverificationtoken=${token}.

try change regular expression name="__requestverificationtoken" type="hidden" value="(.*)" & see if helps.

if not work, post http response get.


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