javascript - Appending div to iframe -

what wrong piece of code:

jquery('<iframe id="groundplan_popup" class="groundplan_hidden" />').appendto("#popup_holder"); var iframe = jquery("#groundplan_popup"); iframe.attr("src","::censored::" + filename); var iframe_body = iframe.contents().find('body').append('<div id="groundplan_popup_exit"></div>'); var exit_btn_gp = iframe_body.append(jquery("#groundplan_popup_exit")); 

so have dynamically create iframe element open .pdf file in popup , part works. can't manage create div id of "groundplan_popup_exit" within iframe. don't know why doesnt' work , i'm doing wrong. when inspect iframe window console brings out warning:

/deep/ combinator deprecated. see more details.

dont know if has reason why isn't working.


this code looks now. enter image description here

console prtscr: enter image description here

iframe console elements prtscr:

enter image description here

so i'm confused whole situation i'm not experienced in using jquery in general , first time using iframes. i'm not sure if #groundplan_popup_exit div created , how find if is.

i see problems:

var iframe_body = iframe.contents().find('body').append('<div id="groundplan_popup_exit"></div>'); 

here appending element body.

var exit_btn_gp = iframe_body.append(jquery("#groundplan_popup_exit")); 

after have appended above, trying append again jquery("#groundplan_popup_exit") not exists.

fix (untested) this:

var iframe_body = iframe.contents().find('body'); var exit_btn_gp = iframe_body.append('<div id="groundplan_popup_exit"></div>'); 


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