dbpedia - SPARQL query using multiple datasources -

i have default graph , need extend data using dbpedia.

i have mapped instances data respective uris dbpedia, using owl:sameas property.

this query returns owl:sameas data: (my endpoint: http://dydra.com/brunopenteado/br_municipalities/@query)

select *         {        ?mun owl:sameas ?db .     }    limit 10 

now want query rdfs:label dbpedia using data.

how can build query reads data , extends dbpedia properties well?

i tried query this, no results returned.

select *    <http://dydra.com/brunopenteado/br_municipalities/sparql>   <http://pt.dbpedia.org/sparql>    {      ?mun owl:sameas ?dbp .     ?dbp rdfs:label ?name   }  limit 10 

from doesn't work, because it's used identify graphs within current data source. can use service keyword access multiple sparql endpoints single query.

select *   {     service <http://dydra.com/brunopenteado/br_municipalities/sparql>    {       ?mun owl:sameas ?dbp .       ?dbp rdfs:label ?name    }     service <http://pt.dbpedia.org/sparql>    {       ?mun owl:sameas ?dbp .       ?dbp rdfs:label ?name    } } 

you may want add optional service queries. more information can read the specs.


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