
Showing posts from August, 2011

import - Cannot use a python package installed using conda although the package exists (I specifically want a certain version) -

i have trouble ( importerror: no module named folium ) importing folium 0.2.0 development version (i want version). installed package via conda install -c folium conda page mentions ( ). indeed have package on mac (osx el captain) when conda list ( folium 0.2.0 py27_3 ioos ). why not able use package in ipython (error on import folium )? help? some more info: which python us/anaconda/bin/python which conda /anaconda/bin/conda try pip: pip install folium but pip folium 0.1.6

c++ - Disable annoying sound when handling syskeydown message -

hi have written own custom control overriding mfc cedit. needed override sys_key_up , sys_key_down. each time control handles these message annoying sound heard if input invalid or something. knwo generates sound , how disable it. upd code // cshotcutedit class cshortcutedit : public cedit { declare_dynamic(cshortcutedit) public: cshortcutedit(); virtual ~cshortcutedit(); protected: declare_message_map() afx_msg uint ongetdlgcode(); afx_msg void onkeydown(uint nchar, uint nrepcnt, uint nflags); afx_msg void onsyskeydown(uint nchar, uint nrepcnt, uint nflags); afx_msg void onsyskeyup(uint nchar, uint nrepcnt, uint nflags); afx_msg void onkeyup(uint nchar, uint nrepcnt, uint nflags); virtual bool pretranslatemessage(msg* pmsg); virtual void dodataexchange(cdataexchange* pdx); virtual void presubclasswindow(); virtual void onchar(uint uichar, uint uicount, uint uiflags); // ... other members }; // shotcutedit.

php - Adding function in a javascript button -

this question has answer here: javascript append onclick event 2 answers i want btn-post-announcement have function when click post button data's in table inserted in database. <div id='donor_table'> <div style='height: 600px; width: 100%; overflow: scroll'> <table id='donor_tbl' border='5' cellpadding='10'> <thead> <th>#</th> <th>announcements</th> <th>date</th> <th>time</th> <th>post</th> </thead> <tbody> <?php include "connection.php"; error_reporting(0); $searchannouncement = $_post['searchannouncement']; $displayann = " select a

latex - R markdown on OSX: pdflatex not found -

i got error when trying knitr r markdown file pdf on osx: pandoc: pdflatex not found. pdflatex needed pdf output. error: pandoc document conversion failed error 41 execution halted no tex installation detected (tex required create pdf output). should install recommended tex distribution platform: windows: miktex (complete) - (note: sure download complete rather basic installation) mac os x: texlive 2013 (full) - (note: download safari rather chrome strongly recommended) following link in error, downloaded mactex , installed it. however, error persists when tried knitr in pdf. can render html , word, 2 other options available, pdf option gets me error any insight appreciated.

c# - How do I check If brackets are of same -

i check if input string contain same amount of open/close brackets. if yes print out true else false. have wrote code there bug can help? see code works fine if enter string '()' starts open bracket , ends close bracket if enter ')(' still prints out true?. output should be: () = true (())=true ()) = false (() = false )( = false )(() = false etc... thanks help edit: using system; public class program { public void main() { checkparentheses ("()"); } public void checkparentheses (string inputparentheses){ int openparentheses = 0; int closeparentheses = 0; (int = 0; < inputparentheses.length; i++) { if (inputparentheses[i] == '(') { openparentheses++; } if (inputparentheses[i] == ')') { closeparentheses++; } if (openparentheses == closeparentheses) console.writeline("true"); } } } instead of counting open/close parenthesys

xcode - Can you change an iOS app name after it's been built? -

let's need build 50 ios apps same except name. can name (bundle display name) , bundleid changed after app built can prebuild them ahead of time without knowing name @ build time? change bundle id (in info.plist file) , it's going recognized different app ios , app store. and change display name change displayed name of app. you can read more bundle id here: though if app has special entitlements use bundle id (such icloud or push notifications), run issues.

dbpedia - SPARQL query using multiple datasources -

i have default graph , need extend data using dbpedia. i have mapped instances data respective uris dbpedia, using owl:sameas property. this query returns owl:sameas data: (my endpoint: ) select * { ?mun owl:sameas ?db . } limit 10 now want query rdfs:label dbpedia using data. how can build query reads data , extends dbpedia properties well? i tried query this, no results returned. select * <> <> { ?mun owl:sameas ?dbp . ?dbp rdfs:label ?name } limit 10 from doesn't work, because it's used identify graphs within current data source. can use service keyword access multiple sparql endpoints single query. select * { service <> { ?mun owl:sameas ?dbp . ?dbp rdfs:label ?name

implementing multiplication algorithm in java -

i have following multiplication algorithm, trying implement using java: m: number of digits n: b number of digits β: base this java function implments algorithm: public biginteger prodbigbig(biginteger a, biginteger b, integer base ){ arraylist<integer> lista = new arraylist<integer>(); arraylist<integer> listb = new arraylist<integer>(); arraylist<integer> listc = new arraylist<integer>(); int m = a.tostring().length(); int n = b.tostring().length(); integer carry, temp; biginteger result =; for(int = 0; < a.tostring().length(); i++){ lista.add(character.getnumericvalue( a.tostring().charat(i))); } for(int = 0; < b.tostring().length(); i++){ listb.add((character.getnumericvalue( b.tostring().charat(i)))); } for(int i= 0; <= m - 1; i++){ listc.add(0); } for(int

C# Why don't I receive any output from the console? -

when run code, enter input, reason not receive sort of output. this code: string fruit = console.readline(); double quantity = double.parse(console.readline()); string day = console.readline(); if (day == "monday" || day == "tuesday"|| day == "wednesday" || day == "thursday" || day == "friday") { switch (fruit) { case "banana": console.writeline(math.round(2.50*quantity,2)); break; case "apple": console.writeline(math.round(1.20 * quantity, 2)); break; case "orange": console.writeline(math.round(0.85 * quantity, 2)); break; case "grapefruit" : console.writeline(math.round(1.45 * quantity, 2)); break; case "kiwi": console.writeline(math.round(2.70 * quantity, 2)); break; case "pineapple": console.writeline(math.round(5.50 * quantity, 2)); break; case "grapes": console.writeline(math.round(3.85

c - How to check if a particular string in one array is in another array -

i have array called puzzle consist of words/letters/random strings , want check if has of same strings in array called dictionary (the strings in dictionary listed in alphabetical order) so believe problem binary search in program, i'm not entire sure how work around using strings. tried use strcmp() don't think thats way go? when program runs, gets no output. there no matches there are. here binary search function: int binsearch(char **dictionary, char *puzzle) { int start = 1; //excluded first string of dictionary array bc # int end = listlength; while (start < end) { int mid = (start + end) / 2; int temp = strcmp(dictionary[mid], puzzle); if (temp < 0) { start = mid + 1; //it in upper half } else if (temp > 0) { //check lower half end = mid; } else return 1; //found match } return 0; } and entire code here if maybe need see #include <stdio.h&g

typescript - tslint one line rule misplaced 'else' -

i have such config in tslint.json one line rule one-line": [true, "check-open-brace", "check-catch", "check-else", "check-whitespace" ], when have code lines that: if(somethingtrue) { next("a"); } else { next("b"); } i've got warning: (one-line) file.ts[17, 9]: misplaced 'else' why happens? bad practice have 1 line else ? you have : else { next("b"); } else must 1 one line . so: else { next("b"); } is bad practice have 1 line else? just easier read. styleguide consistency.

c++ - template of template without default constructor -

i'm trying write template class doesn't have default constructor. a<int> works fine, a<a<int>> don't know how work. 1 #include <iostream> 2 using namespace std; 3 4 template <typename t> 5 class { 6 t x; 7 8 public: 9 a(t y) { x = y; } 10 }; 11 12 int main() { 13 a<int> a(0); 14 a<a<int> > b(a<int>(0)); 15 16 return 0; 17 } error list clang test.cpp:9:5: error: constructor 'a<a<int> >' must explicitly initialize member 'x' not have default constructor a(t y) { x = y; } ^ test.cpp:14:16: note: in instantiation of member function 'a<a<int> >::a' requested here a<a<int> > b(a<int>(0)); ^ test.cpp:6:7: note: member declared here t x; ^ test.cpp:5:9: note: 'a<int>' declared here class {

java - I want to generate a compile warning for JPA annotations with a given value -

i finished reading aspectj in action , trying write simple aspects start with. write aspect generate compile-time warning fields use enumtype.ordinal persist database, not use enumtype.string . i've written similar aspects, first 1 i'm trying uses annotation in pointcut, , i'm doing wrong. i have jpa2.1 entity 1 shown below, , @enumerated(enumtype.ordinal) annotation attached myenumfieldb generate compiler warning... import javax.persistence.entity; import javax.persistence.enumerated; import javax.persistence.enumtype; @entity public class myentity { @enumerated(enumtype.string) // want compile ok protected myenumtype myenumfielda; @enumerated(enumtype.ordinal) // want throw warning protected myenumtype myenumfieldb; // primary key, other fields, getters & setters, etc. omitted } ...and here's copy of code trying several different pointcuts (commented out), error messages included beside them. named pointcut used last commented-o

python - Selenium scraping with multiple urls -

following previous question , i'm trying scrape multiple pages of url (all pages games in given season). i'm trying scrape multiple parent urls (seasons): from selenium import webdriver import pandas pd import time url = ['', ''] data = [] in url: j in range(1,8): print i+str(j) driver = webdriver.phantomjs() driver.implicitly_wait(10) driver.get(i+str(j)) match in driver.find_elements_by_css_selector("div#tournamenttable tr.deactivate"): home, away = match.find_element_by_class_name("table-participant").text.split(" - ") date = match.find_element_by_xpath(".//preceding::th[contains(@class, 'first2')][1]").text if " - " in date:

cs cart - PHP: unserialize() expects parameter 1 to be string -

if remove code works fine, need loop on products data (serialized) received. when use code breaks , don't know why. $products = db_query("select cart ?:abandoned_cart user_id = ?s", $acid); //fn_print_die($products); $products = unserialize($products); $shippingcost = db_get_field("select shipping ?:abandoned_cart user_id = ?s", $acid); $tax = db_get_field("select tax ?:abandoned_cart user_id = ?s", $acid); $ordertotal = db_get_field("select order_total ?:abandoned_cart user_id = ?s", $acid); $email = db_get_field("select email ?:abandoned_cart user_id = ?s", $acid); $sum=0; //echo $products; if (!empty($products)) { foreach ($products $product) { $text .=' <tr> <td><a href="http://'.$_server['server_name'].'?dispatch=products.view&product_id='.$product['product_id'].'"> <img title="" height="120" width="120&

Is there a way to atomically batch produce in kafka? -

i have source batch of messages. these messages need added kafka - reliably - no misses , no out of order. if use aync producer, when put many messages, wonder if partition down time, skip message , put next message - result in out of order message. is there way, can tell kafka - batch produce set of messages , either atomically pass of fail ? *i don't want sync produce, severely impact throughput. you can use message key this. kafka guarantees order of messages in single partition, not across multiple partitions. messages single key passed single partition - order preserved. when sent batch, shall pass or fail together. there trade of: these messages handled single machine - no parallelism. more background info on keys , partitions in official kafka documentation here:

plot - 'x' must be numeric ERROR in R while trying to create a Leaf and Stem display -

i beginner @ r , i'm trying read text file contains values , create stem display, keep getting error. here code: setwd("c:/users/michael/desktop/ch1-ch9 data/ch01") gravity=read.table("c:ex01-11.txt", header=t) stem(gravity) **error in stem(gravity) : 'x' must numeric** the file contains this: 'spec_gravity' 0.31 0.35 0.36 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.41 0.41 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.43 0.44 0.45 0.46 0.46 0.47 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.51 0.54 0.54 0.55 0.58 0.62 0.66 0.66 0.67 0.68 0.75 if can help, appreciate it! thanks! gravity data frame. stem expects vector. need select column of data set , pass stem , i.e. ## first column stem(gravity[,1])

haskell - Polymorphic self application -

i have example of system f plymorphism don't understand: if remove types remain: \f.\a.f (f a) makes no sense. can me this? thank you! the erased term make sense: in haskell \f -> f (f a) , ordinary function applies first argument second, , again result. the difference between \f -> <body> , \f.\a. <body> 1 of notation. if prefer, write haskell term \f -> \a -> f (f a) , equivalent syntactically bit closer erased system f. (note double not self application, \f -> f f .)

angularjs - how to use ui-router inside a function with static menu without creating default back button -

i using angular ui router ionic. want redirect page 1 within function. i have default menu in pages. i tried used $state.go . $state.go changing whole url , creating button. i want menu still there in page. here code: controller.js: $scope.changestate = function () { $state.go('app.registration'); }; app.js app.config(function($stateprovider, $urlrouterprovider) { $stateprovider .state('app', { url: '/app', abstract: true, templateurl: 'templates/menu.html', controller: 'appctrl' }) .state('app.login', { url: '/login', views: { 'menucontent': { templateurl: 'templates/login.html', controller: 'signincontroller' } } }) .state('app.registration', { url: '/registration', views: { 'menucontent': { templateurl: 'templates/registration.h

stack - Why does this priority queue implementation only print one value repeatedly? -

this program should print out values in order ascending order. displays 957.0 repeatedly. how display numbers in order? import*; import java.util.*; class priorityq { public int maxsize; public double[] quearray; public int nitems; //------ public priorityq(int s){ maxsize = s; quearray = new double[maxsize]; nitems = 0; } //----- public void insert(double item){ int j; if(nitems == 0){ quearray[nitems++] = item; } else{ for(j = nitems-1; j >= 0; j--){ if(item > quearray[j]){ quearray[j + 1] = item; } else{ break; } } quearray[j + 1] = item; nitems++; } } //----- public double remove(){ return quearray[--nitems]; } //----- public double peekmin(){ return quearray[nitems - 1]

python - Error Logging in Django and Gunicorn -

i want logging in django , gunicorn, when error. study tdd python, this code. /etc/init/ description "gunicorn server" start on net-device-up stop on shutdown respawn setuid junsu chdir /home/junsu/sites/ exec ../virtualenv/bin/gunicorn \ --bind unix:/tmp/ \ --access-logfile ../access.log \ --error-logfile ../error.log \ superlists.wsgi:application accounts/ import requests import logging django.contrib.auth import get_user_model user = get_user_model() persona_verify_url = '' domain = 'localhost' class personaauthenticationbackend(object): def authenticate(self, assertion): logging.warning('authenticate function') res

Android onReceive not called -

i'm trying follow example: what correct way sharing data among appwidgetprovider , remoteviewsservice.remoteviewsfactory as such, have remoteviewsfactory has this: @override public void ondatasetchanged() { // subsequent calls data. newsgetter.updatelistfeed(null, new newsgetter.onupdatelistfeedfinishedlistener() { @override public void onupdatelistfeedfinished(volleyerror error) { //async return here volley intent widgetupdateintent = new intent(newswidgetbase.feed_updated); widgetupdateintent.putextra(appwidgetmanager.extra_appwidget_id, appwidgetid); localbroadcastmanager.getinstance(context).sendbroadcast(widgetupdateintent); } }); log.e(tag, "******************************** ondatasetchanged provider"); } then have appwidgetprovider has this: @override public void onreceive(context context, intent intent) { final string action = intent.getaction(); if (ap

c++ - Pimpl, private class forward declaration, scope resolution operator -

consider these 2 classes employ pimpl idiom: classa: pimpl class forward declaration , variable declaration on separate lines classa.h: #include <memory> class classa { public: classa(); ~classa(); void setvalue( int value ); int getvalue() const; private: class classa_impl; // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ class forward declaration on own line std::unique_ptr<classa_impl> m_pimpl; // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ variable declaration on own line //edit: //even if use raw pointer instead of smart pointer, //i.e. instead of declaring smart pointer above, if declare: classa_impl *m_pimpl; //the situation in *.cpp files , questions (below) same. }; classa.cpp: #include "classa.h" class classa::classa_impl { public: void setvalue( int value ); int getvalue() const; private: int value_; }; // private class implementation void classa::classa_impl::setvalue( int value ) { value_ = value; }

regex - How to filter out alphanumeric values using regular expression in pig -

pig code relation2 = filter relation1 column1 not matches '.*[a-z0-9.*].*' hive logic column1 not '%[a-z0-9]%'. i want implement same logic in pig. i think don't need alpha numeric records. you records have either alphabets or numbers. could try : input : (123aet) (123) (aet) (236met) so expected output (123) (aet) pig script : script generic script can keep alphabets alone or number alone or alphanumeric alone or both further processing records = load '/home/dir/alphanumeric.txt' using pigstorage(',') as(c1:chararray); records_each = foreach records generate c1, (regex_extract(c1,'(^[a-za-z]+$)',1) not null ? 'alphabets' : (regex_extract(c1,'(^[0-9]+$)',1) not null ? 'numbers' : 'alphanumerics')) c1_type; records_filter = filter records_each c1_type in( 'alphabets','numbers'); records_output = foreach records_filter generate c1; dump records_outpu

python - Why is the value not changing in the objects in the Lists? -

in code i'm trying implement constraint such total equal demand using sum , respective division of can see in code in self.max[o].x=self.max[o].x*demand/tot this implementing constraint. however when using direct variables without using lists code working fine, after introduced list have started having problem value not changing expected be, or way should logically change. you can see tot value after implementation of code should equal demand, not happening. class chromosome: def __init__(self,identifier): self.x=d.pdf[identifier].rvs() self.identifier=identifier class individual: def __init__(self): self.max=[] o in range(3): self.max.append(chromosome(o)) tot=sum(chromosome.x chromosome in self.max) print("before changing total {}".format(tot)) in range(d.coef.shape[1]): print("individual values before {}".format(self.max[o].x)) self.max[o].x=se

php - Error after installing wamp server3.0.0 -

i installed wamp server on laptop, after installing gave me following error : "the program can't start because msvcr110.dll missing computer. try reinstalling program fix problem. " after searching found need install vcredist_x64 , x86 on laptop(os windows 64 bit). download problem not solved yet. can me solve this?? thanks in advance

Flask/Python - handling dropdown to open different HTML pages -

i'm learning flask , python along html , css. i've got flask template render dropdown. what need this: when select value dropdown opens new html page corresponding value chosen(different page different options chosen). i tried searching web couldn't resources. when submit dropdown option submit button page gives error message saying: method not allowed the method not allowed requested url. please guide me best possible solution. below code. pro.html <form name="startpage" method="post" action=""> <div class="form-group"> <div class="input-group"> <select name = "method_cipher" id = "method_cipher"> <option value="encrypt">encrypt</option> <option value="decrypt">decrypt</option> </select> <select name = "cipher_type"

html - How to set the CSS of an img inside a li inside a ul inside a class? -

in html file, have navigation bar @ top of page start starts off this: <div class="“topnav"> <ul> <li><img src="assets/map.png"> <a href="locations.html">locations</a></li> <li><img src="assets/length.png"> <a href="length.html">length</a></li> </ul> </div> and on. and in css tried .topnav img { width: 10%; height: auto; } except img far deep (inside li tag inside ul tag) noticed or something. want topnav's images 10%, not images on page. have other images in lower part of page, , have other style plans them. the problem html, have “ here <div class="“topnav"> js fiddle .topnav img { border:2px green solid; } <div class="topnav"> <ul> <li><img src="//"> <a href="locatio

javascript - Loop Calling Function in Native Ajax -

here's native ajax code: function script_grabbed(str) { var xmlhttp = new xmlhttprequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readystate == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) { document.getelementbyid("numvalue").value = xmlhttp.responsetext; var result = document.getelementbyid("numvalue").value; if (typeof result !== 'undefined'){ alert('data found:' + result); //start: new request data #valdata"post", "inc.php?q="+str, true); document.getelementbyid("valdata").value = xmlhttp.responsetext; xmlhttp.send(null); var dataval = document.getelementbyid("valdata").value; if (

jQuery pass clicked image src to fancybox popup form -

i have popup form activated upon clicking image, i've used fancybox have lightbox effect. 1 of form fields auto-filled clicked images src. have tried following no effect (nothing in console shopwing error): jquery("#storefront li img").click(function() { var barimg = jquery(this).prop("src"); jquery("input[name=car]").val(barimg); }); html form: <div style="display:none"> <form method="post" action="thanks.asp" id="modalbar"> <div class="formwrapper"> <label for="name">name <span class="red2">*</span></label> <input type="text" name="firstname"> </div> <div class="formwrapper"> <label for="car">car (please include <strong>make</strong> / <strong>model</strong> / <strong>year<

sap - Type conflict within deleting table from internal table -

i've had dump recently, data: gt_data type sorted table of ty_data non-unique key bukrs gaapnm, ... lt_tabdel type standard table of ty_data. loop @ gt_data assigning <gf_data>. if <gf_data>-kansw + <gf_data>-kaufw = 0. append <gf_data> lt_tabdel. endif. endloop. if lt_tabdel not initial. delete gt_data lt_tabdel. endif. and on line deleting table internal table - i've had dump: in statement convert object integer numerical type data objects supported @ argument position "object". in present case, operand "object" has non-numerical data type "table of ty_data". can't understand - why? both of had same type... so, great if provide advice , bit of explanation of error origins. you have (inadvertently) used this variant of delete statement uses from , to specify indexes, i. e. numbers of table lines. in sense, coding delete lines in gt_data below 1 identified

Custom layout android -

i'm trying create following design i sort of did using percentrelativelayout layouts , autoresizetextview textviews, ended on 10 layouts , can see layout slow being rendered. main problem images because them want doing sort of things: < xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_toleftof="@+id/buttonright1layout" android:layout_centervertical="true" app:layout_heightpercent="40%"> < xmlns:android=""

Passing an optional argument in a function - python -

i create function can take either 1 or 2 arguments. currently, have function takes 2 arguments through cmd: def test(self,countname,optionalarg): if countname == "lowest": #something if optionalarg == "furthest: #something else: #something else if __name__ == '__main__': countname = sys.argv[1] optionalarg = sys.argv[2] temp = len(sys.argv) in xrange(1,temp): sys.argv.pop() i run: python lowest furthest using means passing second arg must. if try run script passing 1 arg, encounters error (as expected). question is, how create optional argument, either passed or not, depending on situation? for example: python lowest in situation, expect program perform "#something else" script, nothing passed , different "furthest". please not write code me, here learn :) this explained in fineman

javascript - Preventing post data forgery -

supose have js game, score , "publish score" button. button send post request php script , script add score database. thing is, user can see in browser page app sending post data, hence can forge sending number can come with. crsf, token won't help, because user can see too. i've been thinking problem while , haven't came 100% working solution. everything on client can't trusted. i'd try add own little encryption can reversed me. guess basic displaying numbers chars, 1 = f , 2=p , etc... , adding random junk make string asdzf7erwhbrdfm0[encryptedscore]0jkfsdgfadsegajb and removing between zeroes.

java - Akka Remote and interception of unknown classes through custom deserialization -

problem/context . need send messages remote actor. these messages may contain objects of class unknown on recipient side. , need intercept such situation in order avoid classnotfoundexception. one solution may consist in intercepting unknown classes @ time of message deserialization. then, message may replaced different application-level message remote actor can communicate sender doesn't have required classes. i don't know if such interception possible, because custom de/serializators must implement akka.serialization.serializer has following method def frombinary(bytes: array[byte], clazz: option[class[_]]): anyref now, problem stems construction of class objects (which done akka) objects of unknown class. is there way customize akka deserialization @ lower-level point in order accomodate needs? other solutions . the problem similar 1 depicted in following question, different solution has been proposed: deserialize remote object narrowest ac

microdata - - Referencing single definition multiple times -

i have page containing multiple articles, want each 1 describe publisher organisation, i'd avoid redefining organisation every single article. possible? the itemref attribute seems work in opposite direction, specifying parent > child relationship, not other way around. in example i've taken organisation example hope illustrates problem - can't repeat markup every time, bloat page. <div itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="name"> (goog)</span> contact details: <div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype=""> main address: <span itemprop="streetaddress">38 avenue de l'opera</span> <span itemprop="postalcode">f-75002</span> <span itemprop="addresslocality">paris, france</span> , </div> tel:&l

jquery - jqGrid with localArray - Inline Navigation : get delete row button and call custom function -

i using jqgrid localarray data. fetching array azure db , binging grid. after on manipulation of every single row, planning update in db. i using inline navigation bar. on clicking of "add row", "save row" & "delete row" button want call custom function , save/delete data in db function. first know whether design correct , scalable or not. at present, able call custom function on click of save button using "aftersavefunc" parameter. second, please let me know parameter have set "delete row" button. think "add row", same parameter can work have click "save row" button save row. my code below reference : jquery("#list4").jqgrid({ datatype: "local", data: mydata, height: "auto", colnames: ['rowno', 'routeid', 'area'], colmodel: [ { name: 'id', index: 'id', width: 50, sortable: false }, { name: &#