xaml - UWP: VS Designer Error when DesignViewModel is inheriting from reactiveui's ReactiveObject -

dear c# reactiveui community,

i developping uwp-app. connect ui businesslogic, using reactiveui in viewmodels.

however, visualstudio designer keeps telling me there error in xaml when set datacontext or d:datacontext viewmodel extends reactiveobject.

i keep seeing nasty prompt check errors in xaml code. spot set datacontext underlined.

i running debug x86, targetting build 10240. experimenting other build targets or switching release did not help. make use of designer, have switch x64 because there no design instances in x64. unacceptable solution, however.

anybody can me issue? in advance!

i can't reactiveui issues, visual studio 2015 can toggle designer not run code in design mode. enforce when switch x64 or arm targets (since can not run code on x86) - why designer functions.

you can toggle 'no project code mode' using icon next zoom control under designer. click icon , vs2015 no longer run code in designer , show placeholder data bindings. let know if feature helps you.


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