ios - swift Autolayout 3 button set horizontally width manage according to text -

i have set button in 1 child view max button 3 , minimum 0 try set horizontally button take equal width , try set left aligned , depend on button text width , , 1 more problem if 1 button missing mean if button array count 2 , 1 not show 1 , please give me solution here code

 let button1  = uibutton()                   let button2  = uibutton()                  let button3  = uibutton()             print(getchannelname)             var = 0; < getchannelname.count; i++ {                  if(i == 0)                 {                     button1.translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints = false                     button1.backgroundcolor = uicolor.greencolor();                     button1.tintcolor = uicolor.blackcolor()                     button1.titlelabel?.textcolor = uicolor.blackcolor()                     button1.settitle("#\(getchannelname[i])" , forstate: uicontrolstate.normal)                     button1.titlelabel!.font = uifont(name: "arial", size: 12)                  }else if (i == 1)                 {                     button2.translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints = false                     button2.backgroundcolor = uicolor.yellowcolor();                     button2.tintcolor = uicolor.blackcolor()                     button2.titlelabel?.textcolor = uicolor.blackcolor()                     button2.settitle("#\(getchannelname[i])" , forstate: uicontrolstate.normal)                     button2.titlelabel!.font = uifont(name: "arial", size: 12)                 }else                 {                      button3.translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints = false                     button3.backgroundcolor = uicolor.greencolor();                     button3.tintcolor = uicolor.blackcolor()                     button3.titlelabel?.textcolor = uicolor.blackcolor()                     button3.settitle("#\(getchannelname[i])" , forstate: uicontrolstate.normal)                     button3.titlelabel!.font = uifont(name: "arial", size: 12)                 }               }             cell.viewchannel!.addsubview(button1)             cell.viewchannel!.addsubview(button2)             cell.viewchannel!.addsubview(button3)             cell.viewchannel!.layer.borderwidth = 2               let leftconstraint = nslayoutconstraint(item: button1,                 attribute: .bottom,                 relatedby: .equal,                 toitem: cell.viewchannel!,                 attribute: .bottom,                 multiplier: 1.0,                 constant: 0.0);             cell.viewchannel!.addconstraint(leftconstraint);                 cell.viewchannel!.addconstraints(nslayoutconstraint.constraintswithvisualformat("h:|-0-[b1]-0-[b2(==b1)]-0-[b3(==b1)]-0-|", options: nslayoutformatoptions.alignallbottom, metrics: nil, views: ["b1": button1, "b2": button2, "b3": button3])) 

array of name

**one**  (     channelsnamelonggergo,     general ) **two** (     trndnl,     jive,     banter ) **three** (     channelsnamelonggergo,     trending,     local ) **four** (     scoobydoobyparampaa,     channelsnamesarebigmerge,     enternewchannelsjive )  

please give me soultion.

if have understood question, can manage using uistackview , creating 3 uibuttons inside it.

here link :


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