Using Shark machine learning library in Visual Studio C++ -

i'd use shark library in visual studio 2013. provided following example in shark-3.0.0\examples:

#include <shark/core/shark.h> #include <iostream>  int main(int argc, char ** argv) {     shark::shark::info(std::cout); } 

but, getting following error:

error c1083: cannot open include file: 'shark/core/shark.h': no such file or directory.

in fact, header file name in shark-3.0.0\include\shark\core but, if change #include <shark/core/shark.h> #include <shark/core/> following error:

error c1083: cannot open include file: 'boost/version.hpp': no such file or directory.

shark library comes source package, (as per instructions in readme.txt) requires compilation on target machine:

installation / documentation

the entry point shark library documentation located @ doc/index.html . installation instructions, please click on "getting started" on page. short version of installation guide: issue "ccmake ." in main directory select build options, , afterwards issue "make" in main directory -- should done (assuming boost , cmake installed). see documentation detailed instructions.

more detailed installation instructions available library provider.

note shark seems depend on boost, install first...


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