azure - Understanding the x-ms-resource-usage in DocumentDB response header -

while performing simple operation id single document returned (not array 1 document) following x-ms-resource-usage:



  • why documentsize 0?
  • what unit of measure? bytes?
  • what difference between documentsize , documentssize? please note query returns 1 document.
  • what collectionsize? total number of documents in collection?
  • what difference between x-ms-resource-usage , x-ms-resource-quota?

i'm sure numbers follows, , in kb:

  • documentsize: size of document
  • documentssize: combined size of documents in collection
  • collectionsize: combined size of documents in collection, along overhead such indexes

x-ms-resource-usage consumed resources within collection, while x-ms-resource-quota going give limits. quota, you'll see documentssize , collectionsize both set 10485760, 10gb (10,485,760 mb).


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