python - Is it possible to plot a confusion matrix with 90 classes? -

i wish plot confusion matrix classification model. has 20000 documents need classified 90 classes. confusion matrix receive huge. wish plot seem find binary classification plots everywhere. possible plot multi-class confusion matrix? tried methods does't display clear one.

this how confusion matrix looks like:

[[3919  344    0 ...,    0    0    1]  [ 267 2739    0 ...,    0    0    0]  [   1    6   17 ...,    0    0    0]  ...,   [   4    1    0 ...,    6    0    0]  [   0    2    0 ...,    0    0    0]  [   6    1    0 ...,    0    0   15]] 

here sample code using matplotlib (edit: added grid , switching off interpolation)

import numpy np import matplotlib.pyplot plt  confmat=np.random.rand(90,90) ticks=np.linspace(0, 89,num=90) plt.imshow(confmat, interpolation='none') plt.colorbar() plt.xticks(ticks,fontsize=6) plt.yticks(ticks,fontsize=6) plt.grid(true) 

enter image description here


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