php - .htacces url_rewrite difficulties -

i have problem configuration of .htaccess of small website i'm working on.

i want pages redirected index.php?page=request , file find in database content requested page.

the problem occurs when have installed forum, want these forum pages redirect index.php?page=forum&params

options +followsymlinks  rewriteengine on  rewritecond %{request_uri} /(.*).html  rewriterule ^(.*)forum/category/(.*)?$ index\.php?page=forum&lang=$1&category=$2 [l]  rewriterule ^(.*)/(.*)(\.html?)$ index\.php?lang=$1&page=$2 [l] rewriterule ^(.*)(\.html?)$ index\.php?page=$1 [l] 

evetything works fine, except forum part. how need change .htacces?

the problem appears rewritecond matching requests end in .html. forum urls don't end in .html condition subsequent rewriterule never met.

there other possible problems too:

  • ^(.*)forum match when looks want en

  • category/(.*) match characters, including forward slashes , like. presumably want match decimal identifier.

  • links things aren't covered rewrite config e.g. images

i'd rewrite config (n.b. not tested in apache; in regex debugger):

rewriteengine on      # match forum urls # e.g       rewritecond %{request_uri} ^/.+/forum/category/[0-9]+ rewriterule ^/(.+)/forum/category/([0-9]+) index.php?page=forum&lang=$1&category=$2 [l]  # match urls ending in .html # e.g.   # ,       rewritecond %{request_uri} ^/.+\.html$  # bit complicated, matches both #                      /apage.html #               /folder/apage.html rewriterule ^(?:/(.+))?/(.+)\.html$ index.php?lang=$1&page=$2 [l] 

the second rewriterule should provide value page provide value lang if url of form /lang/page.html. should ok if index.php file can accept empty lang parameter or supply default value.

alternatively, if don't mind keeping existing regex , it's images, css etc want bypass in url rewriting can add rules @ start skip them e.g.

rewriteengine on      # don't rewrite, , stop processing rules rewriterule \.(jpg|png|css|js)$ - [l]  # match forum urls # e.g       rewritecond %{request_uri} ^/.+/forum/category/[0-9]+ rewriterule ^/(.+)/forum/category/([0-9]+) index.php?page=forum&lang=$1&category=$2 [l]  etc... 


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