javascript - Arithmetic with variables not working -

for reason, arithmetic in function updatescore(result) doesn't work (the function called later on in code). wins, ties , losses printed should, lives printed nan. know nan means. i've identified variables, reason or other, created strings. appears strange me, it's working 4 out of 5 variables. there's no consistency. i've tried number conversions using number(lives), doesn't work either. suggestions how can ensure variables created numbers, , aritmethic operations work?

var wins = 0,     ties = 0,     losses = 0,     lives = 5,     previouscpuchoice = 0;  $("#startknapp").click(function(){     var spiller = prompt("hva heter du?");     $("#userselect").html(usermenu);     $("#result").html("<h4>velg figur, " + spiller + "</h4>");     $("#status").html('<h4>liv: <span id="life">' +lives+ '</span> - seire: <span id="win">' + wins + '</span> - uavgjort: <span id="tie">' + ties + '</span> - tap: <span id="lose">' + losses + '</span>');     console.log(typeof "lives");     console.log(typeof "wins");     });  function updatescore(result) {     tie = document.getelementbyid("tie");     win = document.getelementbyid("win");     lose = document.getelementbyid("lose");     lives = document.getelementbyid("life");     console.log(typeof "wins");     var imgsrc = "images/" + userchoice + "-" + result + ".png";      if (result === "tie") {     ties = ties + 1;     tie.innerhtml = ties;     $('.result-img').attr('src', 'images/tie.png');     }      if (result === "vant") {     wins++;     $('.result-img').attr('src', imgsrc);     }      if (result === "tapte") {     losses++;     lives--;     lose.innerhtml = losses;     life.innerhtml = lives;     $('.result-img').attr('src', imgsrc);     } }; 

have tried following?

var tie = parseint(document.getelementbyid("tie").value); 

your current code:


retrieves dom element rather value of input. need use .value , parse integer inputs value string representation of number want rather integer value.


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