Magento 1.9 custom options not adding to cart -

i've got problem using custom options in magento 1.9.

i options show in front-end. when selected, price re-calculated corectly. but, when add product cart seems lose custom option. price wrong , option found in quote item.

this form script looks like:

<script type="text/javascript"> //<![cdata[     var productaddtocartform = new varienform('product_addtocart_form');     productaddtocartform.submit = function(button, url) {         if (this.validator.validate()) {             if($j('#_hdnquoteid').length)                 updatecart($j('#_hdnproductsku').val(), $j('#_hdnquoteid').val(), $j('#qty').val(), $j('.product-options select').val());             else                 addtocart($j('#_hdnproductsku').val(), $j('#_hdnproductid').val(), $j('#qty').val(), $j('.product-options select').length ? $j('.product-options select').val() : null);         }     }.bind(productaddtocartform);      productaddtocartform.submitlight = function(button, url){         if(this.validator) {             var nv = validation.methods;             delete validation.methods['required-entry'];             delete validation.methods['validate-one-required'];             delete validation.methods['validate-one-required-by-name'];             // remove custom datetime validators             (var methodname in validation.methods) {                 if (methodname.match(/^validate-datetime-.*/i)) {                     delete validation.methods[methodname];                 }             }              if (this.validator.validate()) {                 if (url) {                     this.form.action = url;                 }                 this.form.submit();             }             object.extend(validation.methods, nv);         }     }.bind(productaddtocartform); //]]> </script> 

if have other ideas on problem i'll happy post more code.


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