Creating a directive for a external library in angular 2 -

i starting out angular 2, , have finished doing basic quick start. playing around , have hit bit of block. trying use dropzone.js.

i read somewhere else use external libraries adding script, , doing in component:

//index.html <script src="node_modules/dropzone/dropzone.js"></script>  //app.component.ts declare var dropzone: any; ... constructor(){   var mydropzone = new dropzone("div#myid", { url: "/file/post"});   //i added div same id here template. } 

this didn't work me. tried use this angular 1 directive dropzone.js reference creating 1 angular 2, bit lost, never worked angular 1 before.

after having added dropzone.js file in index.html file:

<script src=""></script> 

you link root element of component:

@component({   selector: 'dropzone',   template: `     <div>drop down area</div>   ` }) export class dropzonecomponent {   constructor(eltref:elementref) {     new dropzone(eltref.nativeelement, { url: "/file/post"});   } } 

here plunkr describing this:


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