android - Google Play, Drive API sample code in IntelliJ -

i'm following google drive quickstart on android instructions , have working in eclipse/kepler. (juno plain dodgy.) however, i'm more familiar intellij, i'm trying figure out how install these apis there in corresponding manner.

i think i'm getting tripped on drive api part. eclipse plugin installs drive in special way or place. added google-api-services-drive-v2-rev63-1.14.1-beta.jar library, same others (google-play-services , api_java_client). when run application comes with


and i've gotten noclassdeffounderror having drive$builder.

in intellij .jar scopes set "compile" except api_java_client libraries set "provided." none of them have "export" checked.

edit: added module & dependency. have different error:

04-07 00:39:59.766: error/androidruntime(10697): fatal exception: main     java.lang.noclassdeffounderror:     @ is

credential = googleaccountcredential.usingoauth2(this,; 

i can find class it's asking for....

edit 2, after adding libraries per crazycoder's instructions: compiles, runs, following error. sure missed doing right, i'll try again in minute in meantime error is:

04-10 18:02:35.120: error/androidruntime(740): fatal exception: main     java.lang.exceptionininitializererror     @$     @ com.example.drivequickstart.myactivity.getdriveservice(     @ com.example.drivequickstart.myactivity.onactivityresult(     @     @     @     @$1100(     @$h.handlemessage(     @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage(     @ android.os.looper.loop(     @     @ java.lang.reflect.method.invokenative(native method)     @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke(     @$     @     @ dalvik.system.nativestart.main(native method)     caused by: java.lang.noclassdeffounderror:     @<clinit>( 

(hopefully final edit): yes, missed , beast working! thank much!!
can use intellij again work on "real" project... sooooo better :)

i went ahead , created intellij idea project scratch, spent 15 minutes, works fine.

  1. download drive api v2 library , dependencies.

  2. unpack somewhere, open readme.html, spend couple of minutes reading understand jars needed.

  3. create new android application project in idea using wizard com.example.drivequickstart package , mainactivity. use android 4.2.2 google apis platform.

  4. copy following jars downloaded drive api library project libs folder (you should have learned jars use step 2):

    • google-api-client-1.14.1-beta.jar
    • google-api-client-android-1.14.1-beta.jar
    • google-http-client-1.14.1-beta.jar
    • google-http-client-android-1.14.1-beta.jar
    • google-http-client-gson-1.14.1-beta.jar
    • google-oauth-client-1.14.1-beta.jar
    • gson-2.1.jar
    • jsr305-1.3.9.jar
    • google-api-services-drive-v2-rev65-1.14.1-beta.jar
  5. configure project library these jars. can done selecting jars in project view, right click, add library..., add library dependencies of main module.

  6. file | import module, browse android_sdk\extras\google\google_play_services\libproject\google-play-services_‌​lib, existing sources.

  7. add google-play-services.jar dependencies of imported module, enable export checkbox, should like this.

  8. add module created in step 6 dependencies of main application module.

  9. copy mainactivity sample code quick start, step 4 file replacing old code, edit androidmanifest.xml per guide.

  10. build, run in emulator or on device test (don't forget steps 1-2 quick start).

or can download , use isolated sample i've created following above steps (module step 6 included in project).

it failed me in emulator because of camera app error (the sample uses camera , emulator didn't have configured), worked on galaxy nexus device. sample takes picture using device camera , uploads google drive.


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