java - How expand a jframe in left side? -

i have 3 jpanels. left , right panels hidden. center panel visible default.

when press 1 button, frame width increased right panel's width , right panel becomes visible.

my problem left panel because frame cannot increased in left direction.

my solution is:

public void mousepressed(mouseevent e) {     int framewidth = frame.getbounds().width;     int frameheight = frame.getbounds().height;     int panelwidth = leftpanel.getpreferredsize().width;     point currcoords = frame.getlocationonscreen();      if(!_leftpanelopened) {         frame.setsize(new dimension(framewidth + panelwidth, frameheight));         leftpanel.setvisible(true);         frame.setlocation(currcoords.x - panelwidth, currcoords.y);         _leftpanelopened = true;     }     else {         leftpanel.setvisible(false);         frame.setsize(new dimension(framewidth - panelwidth, frameheight));         frame.setlocation(currcoords.x + panelwidth, currcoords.y);         _leftpanelopened = false;     } } 

it works, frame shortly blinks. can avoid short blink?


public class main {      private static jpanel leftoption = new jpanel();     private static jpanel rightoption = new jpanel();     private static jframe frame = new jframe();     private static jpanel leftpanel =  new jpanel();     private static jpanel rightpanel =  new jpanel();     private static jpanel _centerpanel =  new jpanel();     private static boolean _leftpanelopened = false;     private static boolean _rightpanelopened = false;      public static void main(string[] args) {         leftoption.setpreferredsize(new dimension(50, 40));         leftoption.setbackground(color.cyan);         leftoption.addmouselistener(new mouseadapter() {             @override             public void mousepressed(mouseevent e) {                 int framewidth = frame.getbounds().width;                 int frameheight = frame.getbounds().height;                 int panelwidth = leftpanel.getpreferredsize().width;                 point currcoords = frame.getlocationonscreen();                  if(!_leftpanelopened) {                     frame.setbounds(currcoords.x - panelwidth, currcoords.y, framewidth + panelwidth, frameheight);                     leftpanel.setvisible(true);                     _leftpanelopened = true;                 }                 else {                     leftpanel.setvisible(false);                     frame.setbounds(currcoords.x + panelwidth, currcoords.y, framewidth - panelwidth, frameheight);                     _leftpanelopened = false;                 }             }             @override             public void mousereleased(mouseevent e) {              }         });          rightoption.setpreferredsize(new dimension(50, 40));         rightoption.setbackground(;         rightoption.addmouselistener(new mouseadapter() {             @override             public void mousepressed(mouseevent e) {                 int framewidth = frame.getbounds().width;                 int frameheight = frame.getbounds().height;                 int panelwidth = rightpanel.getpreferredsize().width;                 if(!_rightpanelopened) {                     frame.setsize(new dimension(framewidth+panelwidth, frameheight));                     rightpanel.setvisible(true);                     _rightpanelopened = true;                 }                 else {                     rightpanel.setvisible(false);                     frame.setsize(new dimension(framewidth-panelwidth, frameheight));                     _rightpanelopened = false;                 }             }             @override             public void mousereleased(mouseevent e) {              }         });           _centerpanel.setpreferredsize(new dimension(300, 600));         _centerpanel.setbackground(color.white);         _centerpanel.add(leftoption);         _centerpanel.add(rightoption);          leftpanel.setpreferredsize(new dimension(300, 600));         leftpanel.setbackground(;         leftpanel.setvisible(false);          rightpanel.setpreferredsize(new dimension(300, 600));         rightpanel.setbackground(;         rightpanel.setvisible(false);          frame.add(leftpanel, borderlayout.line_start);         frame.add(_centerpanel,;         frame.add(rightpanel, borderlayout.line_end);          frame.setsize(new dimension(300, 600));         frame.getcontentpane().setbackground(color.white);          frame.setvisible(true);     }  } 

you can call setbounds(), allows set position , size @ same time. actually, under hood, both setsize() , setlocation() call setbounds() in end.

furthermore, can avoid calling setvisible(true) before panel in place.

therefore, how changing method to:

if(!_leftpanelopened) {     frame.setbounds(currcoords.x - panelwidth, currcoords.yframewidth + panelwidth, frameheight);     leftpanel.setvisible(true);     _leftpanelopened = true; } 


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