html - Extra white space on the side of a site -

@font-face {    font-family: 'open sans';    font-style: normal;    font-weight: 300;    src: local('open sans light'), local('opensans-light'), url( format('woff2');    unicode-range: u+0000-00ff, u+0131, u+0152-0153, u+02c6, u+02da, u+02dc, u+2000-206f, u+2074, u+20ac, u+2212, u+2215, u+e0ff, u+effd, u+f000;  }  @font-face {    font-family: 'raleway';    font-style: normal;    font-weight: 300;    src: local('raleway light'), local('raleway-light'), url( format('woff2');    unicode-range: u+0000-00ff, u+0131, u+0152-0153, u+02c6, u+02da, u+02dc, u+2000-206f, u+2074, u+20ac, u+2212, u+2215, u+e0ff, u+effd, u+f000;  }  .place {    height: 100vh;    width: 100vw;  }  body {    min-height: 200vh;    max-width: 100%;    margin: 0px;  }  h1 {    color: white;    font-family: 'raleway', sans-serif;    position: relative;    top: 40vh;    left: 39vw;    font-size: 3em;    font-weight: 300;  }  * {    margin: 0px;    padding: 0px;  }  .lol {    font-family: 'open sans', sans-serif;    top: 43vh;    left: 45.5vw;    position: relative;  }  .catslol {    top: 43.3vh;    height: 3.4vw;    width: 3.4vw;    position: relative;    left: 46.5vw;  }  .cool {    height: 3.6vw;    width: 3.6vw;    position: relative;    left: 47vw;    top: 43.7vh;  }  .cool:hover {    -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);    -ms-transform: rotate(360deg);    -moz-transform: rotate(360deg);    -o-transform: rotate(360deg);    transform: rotate(360deg);    -webkit-transition: .2s ease-in-out;    -moz-transition: .2s ease-in-out;    -o-transition: .2s ease-in-out;    transition: .2s ease-in-out;    cursor: pointer;  }  .lmao {    position: relative;    text-align: center;    font-family: 'open sans', sans-serif;    right: -70vw;    width: 20vw;    height: 100vh;    z-index: 75;    background-color: black;    color: white;  }  .catslol:hover {    -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);    -ms-transform: rotate(360deg);    -moz-transform: rotate(360deg);    -o-transform: rotate(360deg);    transform: rotate(360deg);    -webkit-transition: .2s ease-in-out;    -moz-transition: .2s ease-in-out;    -o-transition: .2s ease-in-out;    transition: .2s ease-in-out;  }  .lol:hover {    -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);    -ms-transform: rotate(360deg);    -moz-transform: rotate(360deg);    -o-transform: rotate(360deg);    transform: rotate(360deg);    -webkit-transition: .2s ease-in-out;    -moz-transition: .2s ease-in-out;    -o-transition: .2s ease-in-out;    transition: .2s ease-in-out;  } {    -ms-transform: translate(20vw, 0);    -webkit-transform: translate(20vw, 0);    -o-transform: translate(20vw, 0);    -moz-transform: translate(20vw, 0);    transform: translate(20vw, 0);    -webkit-transition: .3s ease-in-out transform;    -moz-transition: .3s ease-in-out transform;    -o-transition: .3s ease-in-out transform;    transition: .3s ease-in-out transform;  }  img {    height: 3vw;    width: 3vw;  }  .place {    background: black;    background: #360033;    /* fallback old browsers */    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to bottom left, #360033, #0b8793);    /* chrome 10-25, safari 5.1-6 */    background: linear-gradient(to bottom left, #360033, #0b8793);    /* w3c, ie 10+/ edge, firefox 16+, chrome 26+, opera 12+, safari 7+ */  }
<body>    <section class="place">      <h1>james trombo</h1>      <a href="">        <img class="lol" src="githubrofl.png" kasperskylab_antibanner="on">      </a>      <a href="">        <img class="catslol" src="yaybruh.png" kasperskylab_antibanner="on">      </a>      <a href="">        <img class="cool" src="daquan.png" kasperskylab_antibanner="on">      </a>    </section>    <section class="aboutme">      <div class="lmao">        <p>hey internet people! i'm james , bunch of stuff code, play sports , sleep until 1. on main page there of links limited social media.</p>      </div>    </section>  </body>

why there space on right side? have set margin , padding 0.

it's because of

h1 {   ...   left: 39vw;   ... } 

it inherit's 100vw

.place {   height: 100vh;   width: 100vw; } 

so page width 139vw gives padding. removing solves problem:

@font-face {    font-family: 'open sans';    font-style: normal;    font-weight: 300;    src: local('open sans light'), local('opensans-light'), url( format('woff2');    unicode-range: u+0000-00ff, u+0131, u+0152-0153, u+02c6, u+02da, u+02dc, u+2000-206f, u+2074, u+20ac, u+2212, u+2215, u+e0ff, u+effd, u+f000;  }  @font-face {    font-family: 'raleway';    font-style: normal;    font-weight: 300;    src: local('raleway light'), local('raleway-light'), url( format('woff2');    unicode-range: u+0000-00ff, u+0131, u+0152-0153, u+02c6, u+02da, u+02dc, u+2000-206f, u+2074, u+20ac, u+2212, u+2215, u+e0ff, u+effd, u+f000;  }  .place {    height: 100vh;    width: 100vw;  }  body {    min-height: 200vh;    max-width: 100%;    margin: 0px;  }  h1 {    color: white;    font-family: 'raleway', sans-serif;    position: relative;    top: 40vh;    font-size: 3em;    font-weight: 300;  }  * {    margin: 0px;    padding: 0px;  }  .lol {    font-family: 'open sans', sans-serif;    top: 43vh;    left: 45.5vw;    position: relative;  }  .catslol {    top: 43.3vh;    height: 3.4vw;    width: 3.4vw;    position: relative;    left: 46.5vw;  }  .cool {    height: 3.6vw;    width: 3.6vw;    position: relative;    left: 47vw;    top: 43.7vh;  }  .cool:hover {    -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);    -ms-transform: rotate(360deg);    -moz-transform: rotate(360deg);    -o-transform: rotate(360deg);    transform: rotate(360deg);    -webkit-transition: .2s ease-in-out;    -moz-transition: .2s ease-in-out;    -o-transition: .2s ease-in-out;    transition: .2s ease-in-out;    cursor: pointer;  }  .lmao {    position: relative;    text-align: center;    font-family: 'open sans', sans-serif;    right: -70vw;    width: 20vw;    height: 100vh;    z-index: 75;    background-color: black;    color: white;  }  .catslol:hover {    -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);    -ms-transform: rotate(360deg);    -moz-transform: rotate(360deg);    -o-transform: rotate(360deg);    transform: rotate(360deg);    -webkit-transition: .2s ease-in-out;    -moz-transition: .2s ease-in-out;    -o-transition: .2s ease-in-out;    transition: .2s ease-in-out;  }  .lol:hover {    -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);    -ms-transform: rotate(360deg);    -moz-transform: rotate(360deg);    -o-transform: rotate(360deg);    transform: rotate(360deg);    -webkit-transition: .2s ease-in-out;    -moz-transition: .2s ease-in-out;    -o-transition: .2s ease-in-out;    transition: .2s ease-in-out;  } {    -ms-transform: translate(20vw, 0);    -webkit-transform: translate(20vw, 0);    -o-transform: translate(20vw, 0);    -moz-transform: translate(20vw, 0);    transform: translate(20vw, 0);    -webkit-transition: .3s ease-in-out transform;    -moz-transition: .3s ease-in-out transform;    -o-transition: .3s ease-in-out transform;    transition: .3s ease-in-out transform;  }  img {    height: 3vw;    width: 3vw;  }  .place {    background: black;    background: #360033;    /* fallback old browsers */    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to bottom left, #360033, #0b8793);    /* chrome 10-25, safari 5.1-6 */    background: linear-gradient(to bottom left, #360033, #0b8793);    /* w3c, ie 10+/ edge, firefox 16+, chrome 26+, opera 12+, safari 7+ */  }
<body>    <section class="place">      <h1>james trombo</h1>      <a href="">        <img class="lol" src="githubrofl.png" kasperskylab_antibanner="on">      </a>      <a href="">        <img class="catslol" src="yaybruh.png" kasperskylab_antibanner="on">      </a>      <a href="">        <img class="cool" src="daquan.png" kasperskylab_antibanner="on">      </a>    </section>    <section class="aboutme">      <div class="lmao">        <p>hey internet people! i'm james , bunch of stuff code, play sports , sleep until 1. on main page there of links limited social media.</p>      </div>    </section>  </body>


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