string - PowerShell: Querying AD attribute "unexpected token in expression or statement -
i had change powershell script query sip address in different attribute in ad. i'm not sure how write can query "msrtcsip-primaryuseraddress" in active directory. due '-' in msrtcsip-primaryuseraddress attribute. when hover mouse on squiggly line, says "unexpected token in expression or statement"
i can query other things ad suchs name, mailnickname etc. need 1 because of way changing our sip address.
function checksip { $loggedonuser = (get-wmiobject win32_process -filter "name='explorer.exe'"|select -first 1).getowner().user $strfilter = "(&(objectcategory=user)(mailnickname=$loggedonuser))" $objdomain = new-object system.directoryservices.directoryentry("ldap://ou=offices,dc=ournetwork,dc=net") $objsearcher = new-object system.directoryservices.directorysearcher $objsearcher.searchroot = $objdomain $objsearcher.pagesize = 1000 $objsearcher.filter = $strfilter $objsearcher.searchscope = "subtree" $colproplist = "name", "mail", "mailnickname", "msrtcsip-primaryuseraddress" foreach ($i in $colproplist){$null = $objsearcher.propertiestoload.add($i)} $colresults = $objsearcher.findall() foreach ($objresult in $colresults){ $objitem = $ [string]$username = $ [string]$mail = $objitem.mail [string]$mailnickname = $objitem.mailnickname [string]$sipaddress = $objitem.msrtcsip-primaryuseraddress } $thesip = $sipaddress.split("@")[0] return $thesip } $mysipaddress = checksip
i'm aware of "get-aduser" command, not of our machines have commandlet natively on machine. why i'm doing this.
remember, hyphen operator. try:
[string]$sipaddress = $objitem.'msrtcsip-primaryuseraddress'
you need specify property searcher:
$colproplist = "name", "mail", "mailnickname","msrtcsip-primaryuseraddress"; $objsearcher.propertiestoload.addrange($colproplist);
i eliminated unnecessary loop well.
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