java - MySQL: Attendance Monitoring App Trouble -

how update specific field without replacing other fields same row field.

for example: want change this.(figure 1)

    date_id    employee_id    time_in     time_out       1            3           1:00p        2:00p       2            2           3:20p        3:49p       3            2           3:20p        3:49p 

to (figure 2)

    date_id    employee_id    time_in     time_out       1            3           1:00p        2:00p       2            2           3:20p        3:49p       3            2         > 5:10p        6:29p < 

but happen is, goes figure 1 again. on writing fields same value employee_id. other ways of doing this?

the query used:

update 'attendance' set time_out = ? employee_id = ?

yes i'm making simple time in , time out application(java).

[solved problem] not question, there no way update using 'employee_id'.

as chalitha lawanga said, little simpler:

update 'attendance' set time_out = ? date_id = ? 

if date_id pk, employee_id not needed in statement.


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