javascript - Extjs calendarpanel -

i'm developing application on extjs 4 i'm using mvc architecture. in native examples of extjs there calendar extensible calendar. i'm trying use example in application, whithout mvc works well, how can use example in application? please me! view

    ext.define('module.notification.reminder.view.calendar', {     extend: 'ext.panel.panel',     alias: 'widget.calendartry',     requires: [         'ext.viewport',         'ext.layout.container.border',         '',         '',         '',         'ext.calendar.calendarpanel',         '',         '',         '',         '',         'ext.calendar.form.eventwindow'     ],     autoshow: false,     layout: 'fit',     store: [''],     initcomponent: function () {            this.items = [{                 xtype: 'calendarpanel',                 eventstore: ext.create('', {}),                 calendarstore: ext.create('', {}),                 title: 'calendar',                 name: 'eleave-calendar',                 height: 500,                 width: 500             }];;         this.callparent(arguments);     } }); 

use xtpe :'datefield' inside panel or container

items: [{ xtype: 'datefield',name: 'startperiod', fieldlabel: 'start period', emptytext: 'select period',allowblank: false },                                    { xtype: 'datefield',name: 'endperiod', fieldlabel: 'end period'  emptytext: 'select period',allowblank: false }] 


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