html - Jquery Drag Drop Sort from List to Table Cell not working -

i have sortable list , drop list items in table cell, , table cell sort items in cell.

first step drag list item tblcell. second step sort list item in table(2 column) list items in cell can sorted , not fixed numbers in first column of table. third step return cell item list.

<html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>untitled document</title> <script src="jquery-1.11.3.min.js" ></script> <script src="jquery-ui.js"></script>  <style>  #sortable1 {     border: 1px solid #ccc;     width: 220px;     min-height: 20px;     list-style-type: none;     margin: 0;     padding: 2px 0 0 0;     float: left;     margin-right: 5px;     font-size:10px;   }   #sortable1 li {     margin: 0 5px 5px 5px;     padding: 2px;     font-size: 1.2em;     width: 200px;   } </style>  </head>  <body>   <script>   $(function() {     $("#sortable1,.tblsort").sortable({     items: 'td',     cursor: 'pointer',     connectwith: '.tblsort',     axis: 'y',     droponempty: true,     receive: function(e, ui){      $(this).find("tbody").append(ui.item);        } });   });   </script>  <ul id="sortable1" class="connectedsortable" style="cursor:pointer;">    <li class="ui-state-default">suburb</li>   <li class="ui-state-default">city</li>   <li class="ui-state-default">province</li> </ul>    <table width="300" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="tblsort">   <tbody>     <tr>       <td>1</td>       <td>&nbsp;</td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td>2</td>       <td>&nbsp;</td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td>3</td>       <td>&nbsp;</td>     </tr>   </tbody> </table>  </body> </html>   

sorting table cells jqueryui has no sense, because breaks table layout. sorting table rows may work , not destructive.

since need drag , drop elements, need use appropriate jqueryui widgets draggable , droppable.

in eyes looks bad solution , rather use buttons exchange data between list , table. bad because can see bugs in firefox , hard drag table, avoid table rows sorting. if have use dragging, here 1 solution:

 $(function() {       $("#draggable").draggable({       revert: true,       revertduration: 0     });     $("#draggable").droppable({       drop: function(event, ui) {         var table = $(this);         $(ui.draggable).find('td:nth-child(2n)').each(function(i) {           table.find('li:eq(' + + ')').text($(this).text());         })       }     });          $(".tblsort").droppable({       drop: function(event, ui) {         var table = $(this);         $(ui.draggable).find('li').each(function(i) {           table.find('td:nth-child(2n):eq(' + + ')').text($(this).text());         })       }     });       $(".tblsort tbody").sortable({       helper: function(e, ui) {         ui.children().each(function() {           $(this).width($(this).width());         });         return ui;       },       update: function(event, ui) {         $(this).find('td:nth-child(2n+1)').each(function(i) {           $(this).text(i + 1);         });       }     });     $(".tblsort").draggable({       revert: true,       revertduration: 0     });     });
 * {     box-sizing: border-box;     font-family: sans-serif;   }      #draggable {     border: 1px solid #ccc;     width: 220px;     list-style-type: none;     margin: 0;     padding: 0;     float: left;     margin-bottom: 20px;   }      #draggable li {     margin: 10px;     padding: 2px 5px;   }      .tblsort {     border: 1px solid #ccc;     border-spacing: 10px;     border-collapse: separate;     clear: both;     cursor: grab   }      .tblsort td {     border: 1px solid #ccc;     padding: 2px 5px;     cursor: ns-resize   }       .tblsort td:nth-child(1) {     width: 30px;   }
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>  <script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>  <ul id="draggable" class="connectedsortable" style="cursor:pointer;">    <li class="ui-state-default">suburb</li>    <li class="ui-state-default">city</li>    <li class="ui-state-default">province</li>  </ul>  <table width="300" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="tblsort">    <tbody>      <tr>        <td>1</td>        <td>aa</td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td>2</td>        <td>bb</td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td>3</td>        <td>cc</td>      </tr>    </tbody>  </table>

also on fiddle.


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