php - Changing MySQL mode per session -

i have developer supporting old application asking me change our mysql mode globally away strict - have several other databases on same server apparently require strict mode.

i believe it's possible change mode @ session level , i've tried following code it.

session_start();  include_once("./includes/conn.php"); mysql_query("set session sql_mode = ''"); 

but doesn't seem work - testing mode reports global , session values same.

session user : name session security : 27478239  mysql server version : 5.5.5-10.0.23-mariadb global : strict_trans_tables,no_engine_substitution session : strict_trans_tables,no_engine_substitution 

is possible change sql mode @ session level (or database level) , if how can achieved?

there two syntaxes change session value (both should equivalent):

set session sql_mode = 'modes'; set @@session.sql_mode = 'modes'; 

to read value back:

select @@session.sql_mode; 

of course, since session value:

  • it won't affect global setting
  • it won't survive past current session


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