Regex for Notepad++ -

i have log app executes every minute or , @ end reports number of records failed this: taskblahblah: [0] records failed

up until search through whole document ] records failed string , visually identify lines greater 0 records. there way use regex , search non 0 value don't have visually go through list , potentially miss something?

i tried applying regex notepad++ seems either did wrong or noteppad++ has 'different' regex or something.

thank you

edit: list of things tried:

[1-9][0-9]|[1-9]   \[[1-9][0-9]\] records failed|\[[1-9]\] records failed 

for reason picks things [1] records failed not [10] records failed

i guess should want:

/\[[1-9]\d*\] records failed/ 


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