C# P/Invoke 2 dimensional array -

i trying call c function c# code:

typedef char iptriggernametype[256]; typedef unsigned long comm_handle; typedef byte guid_type[16]; typedef long longint;  typedef struct  {     guid_type           guid;        iptriggernametype   name;  }ipcam_generic_event_id;  typedef struct  {     ipcam_generic_event_id      eventid;        longint                     relatedtriggerid;     longint                     obsoleteevent; }ipcam_generic_event_info;  typedef struct {     longint                     numofevents;     ipcam_generic_event_info    *genericeventslist; }vid_channel_generic_events_struct;   int __stdcall getgenericevents(  /*  inputs: */     comm_handle                         handle,                              longint                             maxnumofchannelsintable,     longint                             maxnumofeventsperchannel,  /*  outputs: */         longint                             *numofchannels,     vid_channel_generic_events_struct   *channelseventstable); 

and c# equivalent follows:

[structlayout(layoutkind.sequential)]     public struct ipcam_generic_event_id     {         [marshalas(unmanagedtype.lparray, sizeconst = 16)]         public byte[] guid;          [marshalas(unmanagedtype.lparray, sizeconst = 256)]         public char[] name;     };      [structlayout(layoutkind.sequential)]     public struct ipcam_generic_event_info     {         public ipcam_generic_event_id eventid;         public int relatedtriggerid;         public int obsoleteevent;     }      [structlayout(layoutkind.sequential)]     public struct vid_channel_generic_events_struct     {         public int numofevents;          [marshalas(unmanagedtype.lparray, sizeconst = 100)]         public ipcam_generic_event_info[] genericeventslist;     }      [dllimport(dllname)] public static extern int getgenericevents(     /*  inputs: */     int handle,     int maxnumofchannelsintable,     int maxnumofeventsperchannel,      /*  outputs: */     out int numofchannels,     out vid_channel_generic_events_struct[] channelseventstable);   int numofchannels = 16, actualnumofchannels = 0; int maxnumofevents = 100;  vid_channel_generic_events_struct[] genericeventslist = new vid_channel_generic_events_struct[numofchannels]; (int = 0; < numofchannels; i++) {     genericeventslist[i].genericeventslist = new ipcam_generic_event_info[maxnumofevents]; }  getgenericevents(conn, numofchannels, maxnumofevents, out actualnumofchannels, out genericeventslist); 

when calling c# method exception crashes application:

managed debugging assistant 'fatalexecutionengineerror' has detected problem in 'my.exe'.

additional information: runtime has encountered fatal error. address of error @ 0x72a6cf41, on thread 0x5a98. error code 0xc0000005. error may bug in clr or in unsafe or non-verifiable portions of user code. common sources of bug include user marshaling errors com-interop or pinvoke, may corrupt stack.

what doing wrong ?

the field:


is pointer, declared as:

ipcam_generic_event_info *genericeventslist 

but declaring array, included in struct:

[marshalas(unmanagedtype.lparray, sizeconst = 100)] public ipcam_generic_event_info[] genericeventslist; 

you may try use intptr , marshal.allochglobal. check out: how use pinvoke c struct array pointer c#


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