mongodb - installations disappearing on google compute engine -

i'm experiencing weird behavior on google compute engine. made new instance ubuntu on it. installed node app i'm working on, pulled code github etc...

then installed mongodb , nginx. weird thing is, every time leave session, , reconnect, mongodb , nginx installation files disappear.

for example, when install nginx find nginx installation on /etc/nginx can find nginx.conf. when left compute engine console session, , reconnected later, directory gone. same thing happening mongodb.

my node installation under /home/abdul/mystuff doesn't disappear though.

is normal? setting?


  1. this ubuntu image (idk version, , not sure how check)
  2. using following install nginx:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nginx 
  1. result of command
name   maj:min rm size ro type mountpoint sda      8:0    0  10g  0 disk  └─sda1   8:1    0  10g  0 part /var/lib/docker/aufs sdb      8:16   0   5g  0 disk  └─sdb1   8:17   0   5g  0 part /home 

looks you're running docker container on instance (/var/lib/docker/aufs) , installing software inside container.

if want save changes image, possible use docker commit command, not want.

instead, use dockerfile build images , update whenever want make change. way can recreate image , make changes without starting scratch. persistence (.e.g. config files , databases) use volumes, directories stored outside of union file system normal directories on host.


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