c++ - How do I read data from a text file into an array of struct -

i'm trying read data text file called fields.txt holds members of struct fields.

{1, 0, 7.4, 39.5, 5.33784},  {3, 1, 4.6, 27.9, 6.06522},  {5, 2, 2.2, 12.5, 5.68182},  {8, 0, 14.5, 86, 5.93103},  {11, 1, 8, 43.8, 5.475},  {16, 2, 5.9, 37.7, 6.38983},  {22, 0, 12.7, 72, 5.66929},  {24, 1, 10.5, 63.2, 6.01905}  

i want program read data array of struct called fields fielddata[8] = {}; able use data create display.

#include<iostream> #include<fstream>   using namespace std; std::ifstream infile("fields.txt");  int initialise(int field, int crop, float size, float yof, float yph);  struct fields {   int field; int crop; float size; float yof; float yph;  int initialise(int field, int crop, float size, float yof, float yph) {     field = field;     crop = crop;     size = size;     yof = yof;     yph = yph;  };  };    int main() {   fields fielddata[8];  ifstream file("fields.txt"); if(file.is_open()) {       int a, b, = 0;     float c, d, e;     while (infile >> >> b >> c >> d >> e)     {         fielddata[i].field = a;         fielddata[i].crop = b;         fielddata[i].size = c;         fielddata[i].yof = d;         fielddata[i].yph = e;          ++i;     }   }     int highyph = 0;    cout << "field\t" << "crop\t" << "size\t" << "yof\t" << "yph\t" << endl;  (int = 0; < 8; i++) {       cout << fielddata[i].field << "\t" << fielddata[i%3].crop << "\t" << fielddata[i].size << "\t" << fielddata[i].yof << "\t" << fielddata[i].yph << "\t" << endl; }   (int = 0; < 8; i++) {     if (fielddata[i].yph > highyph)         highyph = fielddata[i].field; }  cout << "the field highest yield " << highyph << endl;     system("pause");     return 0; } 

edit: deal type of input shown in op's post (comma delimiters curly braces outside), done. idea taken this thread

//get each line , put string string line; while (getline(infile, line)) {      istringstream iss{regex_replace(line, regex{r"(\{|\}|,)"}, " ")};      vector<float> v{istream_iterator<float>{iss}, istream_iterator<float>{}};       //assigns each member of struct member of vector @ relevant position      fielddata[i].field = static_cast<int>(v.at(0));      fielddata[i].crop = static_cast<int>(v.at(1));      fielddata[i].size = v.at(2);      fielddata[i].yof = v.at(3);      fielddata[i].yph = v.at(4);      ++i; } 

basically what's happening here is:

  1. the program reads line file , puts string line (until there no more lines read [eof]).
  2. an inputstringstream replaces occurences of commas , curly braces spaces, easy acquisition.
  3. we use vector numbers left on in iss.
  4. each member of struct fielddata given value in each relevant position in vector. convert first 2 integers since vector of type float.

from this thread

first, make ifstream:

#include <fstream> std::ifstream infile("thefile.txt"); 

assume every line consists of 2 numbers , read token token:

   int a, b;    while (infile >> >> b)    {         // process pair (a,b)    } 

you'll need create 5 variables match data types you're looking put each struct. e.g. 2 ints, 3 floats. follow format outlined above , assign each variable each member of struct.

also, advisable initialize variables @ start of main , not in middle.

and 1 more bit of nudge along.

    int a, b, = 0;     float c, d, e;     while (infile >> >> b >> c >> d >> e)     {         fielddata[i].field = a;         //assign other struct members wish         ++i; //or use inner loop incrementation     } 

if need further guidance let me know, i'd see manage it.


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