Trouble with a specific glew linker reference (C++ Codeblocks MinGW OpenGL and SDL) -

i'm practicing graphics tutorials on youtube windows 10 machine , i'm trying write simple program render sprite onscreen using vertex buffer object i'm having issues.

i've gotten previous projects using glew work. i've loaded window , drawn triangle on it, when try set , delete buffers, undefined references these specific functions: gldeletebuffers, glgenbuffers, glbindbuffer, glbufferdata, etc.

i'm compiling following linker options:

-lmingw32 -lsdl2main -lsdl2 -lsdl2_image -lsdl2_mixer -lsdl2_ttf -lsdl2_net -lopengl32 -lglu32 -lglew32 -lglew32s -lglew32mx

and feel of search directories correct. have #define glew_static in first class load, i'm not sure how glew half working. there specific file or setup step i'm missing? why things glcleardepth , glclear work if others don't?

this tutorial i've been following:


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