- Update Progress Bar While Inserting Data Into Database -

foreach (datarow row in employee.rows) {     //insert record database. when record entered need update progress      //bar on client side. } 

how solve problem?

take insert button in update panel , assign update progress update panel shown below.

        <asp:updateprogress id="updateprogress1" associatedupdatepanelid="updatepanel" runat="server">             <progresstemplate>                 <div>                     <asp:image id="image" runat="server" imagealign="middle" imageurl="images/loading.gif" />                 </div>             </progresstemplate>         </asp:updateprogress>         <asp:updatepanel id="updatepanel" updatemode="conditional" runat="server">             <contenttemplate>                 <asp:button id="button1" runat="server" text="button" />             </contenttemplate>         </asp:updatepanel> 


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