python - group by same partial string of pandas dataframe column -
i have several csv files , each 1 contains 1 stock price in 1 month , has millions of data. raw csv data data like:
index companyname time price 1 aa candy 030101090355 1.78 2 aa candy 030101091533 1.79 ....... 333498 aa candy 031231145556 2.18
1 bb cookie 030101090225 3.20 2 bb cookie 030101090845 3.14 ....... 391373 bb cookie 031231145958 3.88
i use python , pandas process data, after load , combine of datafiles, have dataframe like:
index companyname time price 1 aa candy 030101090355 1.78 2 aa candy 030101091533 1.79 ....... 333498 aa candy 031231145556 2.18 333499 bb cookie 030101090225 3.20 333500 bb cookie 030101090845 3.14 ....... 712871 bb cookie 031231145958 3.88
the time 031231145958 represent 2013-12-31 14:59:58
now want highest price , final price in every 1 hour of each company, , output file like:
range_start aa candy/max aa candy/close bb cookie/max bb cookie/close 0301010900 1.79 1.77 3.20 3.10 ........ 0312311400 2.24 2.18 3.88 3.88
therefore want groupby companyname , first 8 character of time data of same company in 1 hour, calculation find max price value , final price value of each company , output outcome same start hour in 1 row; let companyname/max or close new column name.
because new in pandas , dataframe, have following questions:
- how group data first 8 character of time column(object) , expected value?
- how form new output dataframe/matrix expected output?
perform groupby
on company name , first 8 characters of string timestamp (i.e. date plus hour). use agg
on price custom functions each (first, max, min , last). unstack company names, swap levels of company names , open/high/low/close , optionally sort symbols.
gb = (df.groupby(['companyname', df.time.str[:8]]) .price .agg({'open': 'first', 'high': np.max, 'low': np.min, 'close': 'last'})[['open', 'high', 'low', 'close']] .unstack('companyname')) gb.columns = gb.columns.swaplevel(0, 1) >>> gb.sortlevel(level=0, axis=1) companyname aa candy bb cookie open high low close open high low close time 03010109 1.78 1.79 1.78 1.79 3.20 3.20 3.14 3.14 03123114 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 3.88 3.88 3.88 3.88
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