java - I want to post array param in HttpURLConnection android -

i fresher in developing android apps, in app want post params in format below:


i not able send user_ids in array format. receiving user_ids string in rails api.

i using httpurlconnection, , in writer.write() passing post params as


please help.

if 1 facing same problem, found work around. need add array in string

1. step 1

create final arraylist<string> selectedtagids = new arraylist<string>(); 

and add array items using

selectedtagids.add("one"); selectedtagids.add("two"); ... 

2. step 2



3. step 3

format string replacing string to


4 step 4

finally post string server (i used httpurlconnection post data server), , in server code, convert received selectedtagids array , loop accordingly achieve you'r desired result.


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