Rails Bootstrap confirm delete using Sweetalert -

i trying replace "confirm" delete sweetalert.

this works fine delete observer normal alert dialog. i'm not sure how call sweetalert.js.

sorry if dumb question. i'm pretty new this! thanks!


               <td>                  <div class="btn-group">                    <%= link_to "/members/observers/#{observation.id}", class: "btn btn-xs btn-danger", method: :delete,  data: { confirm: "are sure?" }  %>                        <i class="fa fa-times fa-fw" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="remove observer"></i>                    <% end %>                  </div>                </td> 


swal({     title: "are sure?",     text: "you not able recover imaginary file!",     type: "warning",     showcancelbutton: true,     confirmbuttonclass: "btn-danger",     confirmbuttontext: "yes, delete it!",     cancelbuttontext: "no, cancel plx!",     closeonconfirm: false,     closeoncancel: false }, function(isconfirm) {     if (isconfirm) {         swal("deleted!", "your imaginary file has been deleted.", "success");     } else {         swal("cancelled", "your imaginary file safe :)", "error");     } }); 

make sure jquery , jquery_ujs included in application.js file.

//= require jquery //= require jquery_ujs 

and install 'jquery-rails' gem if didn't yet.

gem 'jquery-rails' 

then run bundle install

i believe you're go! :)


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