java - How to call a MySQL stored procedure with multiple OUT parameters using JPA and Hibernate? -

i have following mysql stored procedure out parameters, how can call stored procedure through hibernate in out parameters?

create procedure dbname.getstatistics (out bigint unsigned, out b bigint unsigned, out c bigint unsigned)     begin          select count(*)    dbname.table1 id =0;         select count(*) b   dbname.table2 id>0 , id<4;         select count(*) c    dbname.table3 id>4;     end 


following code used in java test call of mysql stored procedure (with out parameters) through hibernate(java):

session session = hibernateutil.getsessionfactory().opensession();  connection connection = session.connection(); callablestatement callable = null;  try {  callable = connection.preparecall("{call dbname.getstatistics(?,?,?)}");  // 3 ?,?,? means 3 out parameter.  // if parameters in type of // lets first 1 use : callable.setint(1, 10);      callable.registeroutparameter(1, types.bigint);     callable.registeroutparameter(2, types.bigint);     callable.registeroutparameter(3, types.bigint);     callable.executeupdate();      int value1 = callable.getint(1);     int value2 = callable.getint(2);     int value3 = callable.getint(3);       system.out.println(value1);     system.out.println(value2);     system.out.println(value3);    } catch (sqlexception e) {        e.printstacktrace();  } 

i don't think can hibernate. have seen done before

connection connection = session.connection(); callablestatement callable = null; callable = connection.preparecall("execute [procedure] ?"); callable.registeroutparameter(1, types.integer); callable.execute(); int id = callable.getint(1); 

which has worked. see retrieving value stored procedure using native sql hibernate more context.


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