c++ - No viable overloaded '=' for assigning std::function callback as member function -

i'm trying hook member function std::function callback. callback type is:

std::function<void(touch*, event*)>

my member function is:

void game::ontouchended(touch* touch, event* event)

when try assign callback using following:

listener->ontouchended = bind(&game::ontouchended, this);

i no viable overloaded '=' error several candidates. here details of 1 believe relevant:

candidate function not viable: no known conversion  '__bind<void (game::*)(cocos2d::touch *, cocos2d::event *), game *>' 'std::__1::function<void (cocos2d::touch *, cocos2d::event *)>' 1st argument` 

i've tried several different bind() arrangements i'm not sure error telling me. types seem correct in terms of parameters , return value i'm not sure why won't accept it?


listener->ontouchended = bind(&game::ontouchended, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2); 

or try lambda function

listener->ontouchended = [this](touch* touch, event* event){ this->ontouchended(touch, event); }; 


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