javascript - Node JS, Ideas on Template For PDF Creation -

how create pdf documents in node.js.? there better solution manage templates different types of pdf creation.

i using pdfkit create pdf documents , server side using javascript. can not use html create pdf. blob of paragraphs , sections replacing tags in.

does know node.js has npm package can deal templates paragraphs sections headers.

something gettemplatebyid() returns template contains sections , headers, paragraphs , use replace appropriate tags within template.

in case, have html template database (postgresql) stocked stream. request db template , create tmp file.

inside template, have angularjs tags compile template datas 'ng-node-compile' module:

var ngcompile        = require('ng-node-compile'); var ngenvironment    = new ngcompile(); var templatehtml     = gettemplatebyid(id);  templatehtml         = ngenvironment.$compile(templatehtml)(datas); 

now have compiled template (where can set paragraph etc.) , convert them pdf phantomjs module 'phantom-html-to-pdf'

var phantomhtml2pdf = require('phantom-html-to-pdf')(options); phantomhtml2pdf(convertoptions, function (error, pdf) {     if(error) console.log(error);         // here have '' tmp pdf file         callback(pdf);     }); 

now have compiled , converted template (pdf), can whatever want ! :)

useful links:

i hope !


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