python - Downheaping from an interior node with a recursive call to the index of the biggest child? -

i attempting downheap on array last interior node way root, making mini-heaps bottom up. have algorithm believe though far 100% @ point, plus i'm having trouble implementing it.

the problem have recursive call. index index of bk. want this, not sure how to. how should tweak things?

#!/usr/bin/python  import random random.seed()  def make_heap(a):         = (len(a)-1)/2 - 1         while(i>-1):                 downheap(a,i)                 -= 1  def downheap(a, i):       if a[i*2] > len(a):         return      bk = a[i*2] #set bk left child (bk biggest child)      if a[(i*2) + 1] <= len(a) , bk < a[(i*2) + 1]:         bk = a[(i*2) + 1] # if bk less right child, right child bk      if a[i] < bk: #if parent smaller bk, swap parent bk         temp = bk         bk = a[i]         a[i] = temp         downheap(a, i) #index of bk, not i??  def main():         l = []         size = 15         in range(size):                 l.append(i)         random.shuffle(l)          print "array: "         in range(size):                 print str(l[i]),          make_heap(l)          print "\nheap: "         in range(size):                 print str(l[i]),  main() 

here output:

array:  3 6 12 7 2 1 5 8 4 10 11 0 13 9 14  heap:  13 13 12 13 10 11 13 8 4 10 11 0 13 9 14 

i think need variable keeping track of index @ found key swap with:

def downheap(a, i):       if a[i*2] > len(a):         return      bkindex = i*2     bk = a[i*2] #set bk left child (bk biggest child)      if a[(i*2) + 1] <= len(a) , bk < a[(i*2) + 1]:         bk = a[(i*2) + 1] # if bk less right child, right child bk         bkindex = i*2 + 1      if a[i] < bk: #if parent smaller bk, swap parent bk        temp = bk        bk = a[i]        a[i] = temp        downheap(a, bkindex) 

i haven't tested code works change, going in right direction!


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