C++ volatile object, nonvolatile member -

as in question: let's have small piece of code this:

  #include <iostream>   using namespace std;    struct foo {       int a;        foo() : a(12) {};   };      int   main()   {       volatile foo x;       return 0;   }    

compiled g++ -g -o2 turns out, x initialization optimized away.

that 1 however:

  #include <iostream>   using namespace std;    struct foo {       volatile int a;        foo() : a(12) {};   };      int   main()   {       volatile foo x;       return 0;   }    

calls constructor.

if try use variables inside code, (ie. cout << foo.a << endl;) assembly output equivalent in both cases.

do following right, that:

in first case, there's no access struct @ all, gets optimized away completely.

in second one, struct's field indicated 1 possible change during construction , reason foo() called no matter what.

added: i've tried fiddling above code: calling things while(foo.a--); works expected, happens instead of being deleted/replaced result during optimization, seems volatile inherited, yet ctor behaves in strange (or @ least unexpected @ first) way.

edit number 2:

i checked clang , msvc , behaves same way in gcc.

my understanding follows (and not sure it):

in c++ volatile keyword forces compiler not optimize seemingly redundant loads , stores memory, i.e. if have such example code:

int x = 5; x = 6; 

it not changed to:

int x = 6; 

this because x pointing address in memory, read others, while don't read in program (imagine sending configuration on usart microcontroller writing memory address, , microcontroller reads it's configuration address - if compiler optimize writes memory, whole program malfunction).

another thing 1 must remember when instance of class declared volatile specifier, members inherit specifier (as igor tandetnik pointed out in comment, referring c++ standard). not whole truth, because in order volatile behaviour, have call member functions, marked volatile - similar marking member function const (please see this: http://www.devx.com/tips/tip/13671). because afaik ctors/dtors cannot marked volatile keyword (as in defining volatile class object), have change code bit (perhaps invoking volatile member function within ctor thing, guess).


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