loops - How to ignore the next line in python -

i trying print this

* * * * * * * * * * 

here code

while 1:     n=int(input("enter n"))     if n<3:         print("wrong input")         continue     else:         in range(1,n+1):             j in range(1,i+1):                 print("x") 

i refer question not able achieve this. can please me how can achieve this? thank you


for in range(5):       print('* '* i)  * * * * * * * * * * 


or use map functions faster:

print('\n'.join(map(lambda x: '* ' * x, range(5)))) 


in [25]: %timeit print('\n'.join(map(lambda x: '* ' * x, range(5)))) 1000 loops, best of 3: 289 per loop  in [26]: %timeit in range(5): print('* '*i) 1000 loops, best of 3: 444 per loop 


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