javascript - Knockout computed observables extremely slows down browser on larger datasets -

i'm working nested viewmodel-objects , knockoutjs , ran annoying troubles using it. lets have nested model this:

-totals (some totalization of clients, contains array of clientscontainer, ~10 computed observables)

-clientcontainer (some totalization of clients moneyaccounts, contains array of moneyaccounts, ~10 computed observables)

--moneyaccounts (some totalization of accountpositions, contains array of accountpositions, ~25 computed observables)

----accountpositions (~25 computed observables, ~25 computed observables)

i mapped viewmodel js structure (35 clientscontainer, each client container contains 10 moneyaccount, each moneyaccount contains 2 positions)

first, figured out computedobservables on accountpositions not refreshed after being initialized. so, had force refresh using dummyobservable in each computedfunction , calling knockouts notifysubscribers()-function.

it seems method extremely expensive regarding performance, if have 700 accountpositions on whole viewmodel (which isn't much..). had delay each refresh-call 500 millisecons prevent browser hanging completely. now, browser overwhelmed. takes 15minutes render data table, definitly should load faster..

what missing here? there "techniques" load/initialize nested viewmodel structures faster? or knockout unable manage such data-sets great performance?

thanks in advance


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