javascript - elasticsearch + AngularJS - How to write a like query search ( not exact search )? -

i trying write query search (not exact search) not able to.

here anularjs code -

  angular.module('searchapp',[]) .controller('searchcontroller', function ($scope,ejsresource) {   $scope.searchsubmit = function() {  var ejs = ejsresource('http://localhost:9200');    var oquery = ejs.querystringquery();   var client = ejs.request()             .indices('articles')             .types('article');   $scope.results = client.query(oquery.query('art90' || '*')).dosearch().then(function (resp) {           $scope.searchresults = resp.hits;          console.log($scope.searchresults);      }, function (err) {          console.trace(err.message);      });  }; }); 

the result, getting using above exact match only. need search ( e.g if put art in search text should result back.). help?

thanks lot in advance!!!!


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