vba - How to add Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.1 Library and Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 using macro code -

i added references .bas module through "tools...->references...". , want add references automatically, using macro code. need add 2 references: microsoft activex data objects 6.1 library , microsoft vbscript regular expressions 5.5. , found piece of code seems want:

sub listreferences()     on error goto cannotaddreferences     application.vbe.activevbproject.references.addfromfile "path_to_file"     exit sub cannotaddreferences:     msgbox "can not add reference" end sub 

but don't know how paths of files (path_to_file). maybe can me? in advance.

you can find file path on references vbaproject dialog (tools >> references). location property.

references vbaproject dialog

edit: pointed out in comments, cannot read full name. sub outputs current references.

sub readexistingrefences() ' displays current refernce names , full paths. dim ref object      each ref in application.vbe.activevbproject.references         msgbox "name: " & ref.name & vbcrlf & ref.fullpath     next end sub 


you should read @macroman's comment on op. although can update references programmatically, shouldn't.


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